Getting Started Syllabus Class Library Communicate

PHI332 : The Class : Argument ID : Topic Sentence : Exercise 2.12.1

Exercise 2.12.1

Mark the topic sentence in the following paragraph with an arrow. Then diagram the argument in the paragraph.

The lives of our loved ones can be seriously compromised by caring for us. The burdens of providing care or even just supervision twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week are often overwhelming. When this kind of caregiving goes on for years, it leaves the caregiver exhausted, with no time for herself or life of ther own. Ultimately, even her health is often destroyed. But it can also be emotionally devastating simply to live with a spouse who is increasingly distant, uncommunicative, unresponsive, foreign, and unreachable. Other family members' needs often go unmet as the caring capacity of the family is exceeded. Socal life and frienships evaporate, as there is no opportunity to go out to see friends and the home is no longer a place suitable for having friends in (294).

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