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PHI332 : The Class : Argument ID : Premise Conclusion : Exercise 2.5.6

Exercise 2.5.6

Diagram the following passage. If you get stuck, see 2.4.4 exercise 2.

We do not seek to determine whether a particular transplant candidate is an abusive parent or a dutiful daughter; whether candidates cheat on their income taxes or their spouses; or whether potential recipients pay their parking tickets or routinely lie when they think it is in their best interests. We refrain from considering such judgments for several good reasons: (1) We have genuine and well-grounded doubts about comparative degrees of voluntariness and, therefore, cannot pass judgment fairly. (2) We cannot know what penalties different degrees of misconduct deserve. (3) Judgments of this kind could not be made consistently in our medical system-and a fundamental requirement of a fair system in allocating scarce resources is that it treat all in need of certain goods on the same standard, without unfair discrimination by group (p. 676).

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Once you have completed this excercise you should:

Go on to Topic 6: Logic Puzzle
Go back to Premise Conclusion

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