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PHI332 : The Class : Argument ID : Restatement : Exercise 2.7.1

Exercise 2.7.1

Mark the inference indicators in this paragraph. Then turn the page.

From one perspective, the fetus is, as Petchesky says, a "biological parasite" taking resources from the woman's body. During pregnancy, a woman's whole life and energies will be actively involved in the nine-month process. Gestation and childbirth involve physical and psychological risks. After childbirth a woman will either be a mother who must undertake a twenty-year responsibility for childrearing, or face giving up her child for adoption or institutionalization. Since hers is the body, hers the risk, hers the burden, it is only just that she alone should be free to decide on pregnancy or abortion.

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Once you have completed this excercise you should:

Go on to Exercise2-7-2
Go back to Restatement

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