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PHI332 : The Class : Argument ID : Restatement : Exercise 2.7.2

Exercise 2.7.2

Mark inference indicators in the following paragraph from p. 367. Then turn page.

The value of fetal life is contingent upon the woman's free consent and subjective acceptance. The fetus must be invested with maternal valuing in order to become human. This process of "humanization" through personal consciousness and "sociality" can only be bestowed by the woman in whose body and psychosocial system a new life must mature. The meaning and value of fetal life are constructed by the woman; without this personal conferral there only exists a biological, physiological process. Thus fetal interests or fetal rights can never outweigh the woman's prior interest and rights. If a woman does not consent to invest her pregnancy with meaning or value, then the merely biological process can be freely terminated. Prior to her own free choice and conscious investment, a woman cannot be described as "mother' nor can "child" be said to exist.

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Go on to Exercise2-7-3
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