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PHI332 : The Class : Argument ID : Discount Words : Exercise 2.8.5

Exercise 2.8.5

When a discount word appears at the beginning of a paragraph or section, the whole previous paragraph or section may be discounted.

Strike through discounted statements.

  1. "The significance of the genetic connection between parent and child," writes one commmentator, "undoubtedly is part of what makes infertility a painful experience. While adoption may satisfy one's desire to nurture for a child, adoption cannot satisfy the yearning to create the child and to watch as a version of oneself unfolds and develops." And it is the very fact that many reproductive technologies involve relinquishing access to children who are one's genetic progeny that has led some to condemn the practice as "unnatural" or "immoral."
    But it is easy to place too much mystical importance on genetic conections. After all, there is no statistically significant genetic difference between a genetic parent and child and the genetic relationship between full siblings. . . . (472).

  2. The biological model of the family, with this overlay of insistence upon expressing biological relationships within a socially sancitioned, heterosexual marriage, has resulted in the creation of a grand presumption, to wit, that all "real" families follow this biological model.
    But the reality has always been that some families have more than two parents. . . . (472).

  3. Psychological equality and well-being is also at stake. Women must enjoy the basic right of a person to the free exercise of heterosexual intercourse and full sexual expression, separated from procreation. No less than males, women should be able to be sexually active wihout the constantly inhibiting fear of pregnancy. Abortion is necessary for women's sexual fulfillment and the growth of uninhibited femine self-confidence and ownership of their sexual powers.

    But true sexual and reproductive freedom means freedom to procreate as well as to inhibit fertiity. Pro-choice feminists are also worried that women's freedom to reproduce will be curtailed through the abuse of sterilazation and needless hysterectomies. . . .

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