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PHI332 : The Class : Argument Evaluation : Objection & Replies : Exercise4.1.11

Exercise4.1.11: Counter Examples as Objections

Infants and severely retarded human beings are counter-examples to Warren's premise that only persons have moral rights (in 4.1.7). When someone makes a general statement, a counter-example is an exception to that statement. Fetuses and the severely retarded are NOT persons, according to Warren's criteria, but they DO have moral rights, such as a right to life. The trick to finding a counter-example is to think of something that fits one part of the generalization (in this case, fetuses are NOT persons) but doesn't fit the other part (in this case, because fetuses do have rights). Warren's premise is like a rule, it tells us that whatever is not a person has no moral rights; fetuses and retarded persons show that this rule does not hold true.

Once you have completed this excercise you should:

Go on to Exercise4.1.12
Go back to Objection and Replies

E-mail George Rudebusch at
or call (520) 523-7091

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