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PHI332 : The Class : Argument Evaluation : Analogy : Exercise4.2.21


The acorn analogy, as adjusted from test 1 above (4.3.12)


1. The development of a human being from conception through birth into childhood is continuous.
2. To draw a line, to choose a point in this development and say "before this point the thing is not a person, after this point it is a person" is to make an arbitrary choice, a choice for which in the nature of things no good reasons can be given.
Thus 3. The fetus is, or anyway we had better say it is, a person from the moment of conception.

Analog (as adjusted from test 1)

1. The development of an acorn from seed, through falling to the ground, into sapling-hood is continuous.
2. To draw a line, to choose a point in this development and say "before this point the thing is not [a mature organism of the oak tree species], after this point it is [a mature organism of the oak tree species]" is to make an arbitrary choice, a choice for which in the nature of things no good reasons can be given.
Thus 3. The acorn is, or anyway we had better say it is, [a mature organism of the oak tree species] from the moment of first existence.

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