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PHI332 : The Class : Argument Evaluation : Analogy : Exercise4.2.6


Next, in paragraph 8 of sec. 4 (p. 337), Thomson argues from analogy "that it is not at all plain that this [target] argument really does go even as far as it purports to," and that "the details make a difference." Her argument from analogy refers to analogs that involve (1) open windows and a burglar, (2) barred windows and a burglar, (3) open windows and an innocent person, (4) barred windows and an innocent person, and (5) pollen-like people seeds. Construct each of these five analogous arguments as perfectly in alignment as possible with the target argument above, either as a list of numbered sentences or as a diagram. Then compare your answers with my mine, on the next five pages. Thomson never mentions anything like premise 2 again, so I shall leave it out of my answers, constructing analogies only to statements 1, 3, and 4.

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Once you have completed this excercise you should:

Go on to Exercise4-2-7
Go back to Argument from Analogy

E-mail George Rudebusch at
or call (520) 523-7091

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