PHI332 : The Class : Argument Evaluation : Analogy : Exercise4.2.7
You are doing these exercises to develop your ability to see and draw analogies. Thomson says in the same paragraph (p. 337) that "the details make a difference." For each of the special details in her parallels (1)-(5), explain what details in the target argument she could mean to add.
(1) open windows and a burglar
(2) barred windows and a burglar
(3) open windows and an innocent person
(4) barred windows and an innocent person
(5) pollen-like people seeds.
Then turn the page to compare your answer to mine.
Once you have completed this excercise you should:
Go on to Exercise4-2-8
Go back to Argument from Analogy
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or call (520) 523-7091
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