Arizona Hospitality Business Network

  • Purchasing Information System: Statewide contracts negotiated for HVAC equipment, Supplies, Electronic Equipment, Computers, Employee Benefits, and Legal and Consulting Services. Electronic store fronts. RFQs and RFPs. Detailed product descriptions and reviews.

  • Community Forums: Addresses Statewide Legislative and Regulatory Issues, Trends, and Performance (quality, productivity, innovation, best practices, guest safety, and service).

  • Career Center: Statewide Job Search, Job Postings, Job Matching, Resume Bank, Salary and Benefits Survey, and Placement Services.

  • News and Research Center: Arizona Hospitality Articles and News, Events Calendar (trade shows and professional conferences and association meetings), Industry News, Legislative and Regulatory Updates, Research Studies, and Arizona Customer Satisfaction Surveys.

  • Marketplace: Selling of Used Equipment, Furniture, and Surplus Goods, Auctions, and Bartering. Collaboration on joint product and services offerings.

  • Training and Education: Statewide contracts for access to training modules, video and digital libraries, certificate programs, and hospitality-related degrees.

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