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HA270 : The Class : Data Communication : Comm. Networks : Learning Style

Learning Style

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DUE: TBA via Virtual Conference Center

This questionnaire aims to find out something about your preferences for the way you work with information. You will have a preferred learning style and one part of that learning style is your preference for the intake and output of ideas. Some may prefer to read, others prefer to speak and listen.

Choose the answer which best explains your preference. Please choose more than one answer if a single answer does not match your perception. Leave blank any question that does not apply. Based on analysis of your responses, you will receive information on your learning style preferences (aural,visual, read/write and/or kinesthetic) as well as study strategies most appropriate for your learning style profile.

This survey was developed by Neil Fleming (1996), an instructor at the Education Centre, Lincoln University, New Zealand.

1. You are about to give directions to a person who is standing with you. She is staying in a hotel in town and wants to visit your house later. She has a rental car. Would you:

a. draw a map on paper.

b. tell her the directions.

c. write down the directions (without a map).

d. pick her up from the hotel in your car.

2. You are staying in a hotel and have a rental car. You would like to visit a friend whose address/location you do not know. Would you like them to:

a. draw you a map on paper.

b. tell you the directions.

c. write down the directions (without a map).

d. pick you up from the hotel in their car.

3. You have just received a copy of your itinerary for a world trip. This is of interest to a friend. Would you:

a. show her on a map on paper.

b. phone her immediately and tell her about it.

c. send her a copy of the printed itinerary.

4. You are going to cook a dessert as a special treat for your family. Do you:

a. thumb through the cookbook looking for ideas from the pictures.

b. ask for advice from others.

c. refer to a specific cookbook where there is a good recipe.

d. cook something familiar without need for instructions.

5. A group of tourists have been assigned to you to find out about national parks. Would you:
a. show them slides and photographs.

b. give them a talk on national parks.

c. give them a book on national parks.

d. drive them to a national park.

6. You are about to purchase a new stereo. Other than price, what would most influence your decision?
a. it looks really smart and upscale.

b. the salesperson telling you what you want to know.

c. reading the details about it.

d. playing with the details and listening to it.

7. Recall a time in your life when you learned how to do something like playing a new board game. Try to avoid choosing a very physical skill, e.g., riding a bike.

How did you learn best? By:

a. visual clues - pictures, diagrams, charts.

b. listening to somebody explaining it.

c. written instructions.

d. doing it or trying it.

8. Which of these games do you prefer:

a. pictionary.

b. scrabble.

c. charades.

9. You are about to learn to a new program on a computer. Would you:

a. telephone a friend and ask questions about it.

b. read the manual, which comes with the program.

c. sit down at the keyboard and begin to experiment with the program's features.

10. You are not sure whether a word should be spelt 'depdendent' or 'dependent.' Do you:

a. see the word in your mind and choose by the way it looks.

b. sound it out in your mind.

c. look it up in the dictionary.

d. write both versions down on paper and choose one.

11. Apart from price, what would most influence your decision to buy a particular textbook:

a. it looks OK.

b. a friend talking about it.

c. skim reading parts of it.

d. using a friend's copy.

12. A new movie has arrived in town. What would most influence your decision to go (or not go)?
a. You saw a preview of it.

b. You hear a radio review about it.

c. You read a review about it.

13. Do you prefer a lecture or teacher who likes to use:

a. flow diagrams, charts, slides.

b. discussion, guest speakers.

c. handouts and/or a textbook.

d. field trips, labs, and practical sessions.

For grading purposes, please provide the following information:

Your Name:
Your Email address:

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Send E-mail to Galen Collins
or call (928) 523-7333


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