Module 5 Crossword Puzzle


Please complete the following puzzle by clicking on the hypertext link below. The clues are also found at the bottom of this Web page. It may take a minute for the hypertext link starting the program to appear, since the Cogix server must be contacted to load the puzzle. Please begin the exercise by printing the puzzle and writing down your answers. Once you have completed this online puzzle, this program will clear the puzzle answers from the screen immediately after the last one is entered.

To view this puzzle, you need a Java-enabled browser and to be onnected to the Internet to receive the Crossword.class Java applet code.

9 This is the principal ledger 1 This module facilitates timely payments to vendors
10 Folio created for groups 2 A sales & catering function providing customers with instant feedback about availability & rates
11 This maintains a statistical profile for each agent 3 This module prints W-2's
14 This module assists in the timely collection of monies owed by customers 4 The purpose of this system is to record all financial transaction that occur
16 For repeat guests, this module prefills the reservation screen with info from prior stays 5 A yield management rule can be established for this
18 This module helps telephone operators handle phone calls and messages 6 Influences the type of technology found in hotels
22 Performs both back and front office function 7 This night audit report denotes rates that vary from the rack rate
23 Reservation information is transferred to this module during registration 8 A posting that reverses an incorrect transaction on the day that it occurred
24 The linkage of a CRS to an airline system 12 This module can schedule room maintenance
25 A computer-aid program to assist with room pricing and allocation 13 This code identifies the type of reservation (e.g., business)
26 This entry is an automatic posting from a subsidiary module 15 This report is typically found in the general ledger module
27 Provides the ability to plan and track events 17 This type of reservation requires the creation of a group master
29 This module performs group reservations 19 This module automatically generates refund checks when interfaced with accounts payable
20 This contains information concerning reservation arrangements, deposit requirements, etc.
21 This report identifies expected stayovers and check-outs
28 An outsourced CRS managed by a third party