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HA270 : The Class : System Selection : System Select Steps : Questions

Review Questions

DUE: TBA via Conference Center

What should be included in an information plan?

Why is it so important to have an information plan?

Identify the four levels of activity typically found in a hospitality organization.

What level of management requires information for policy making?

What is the difference between a financial and an open lease?

What is the purpose of a RFP?

Identify three rating approaches that can be used to evaluate proposals?

How should system specifications be presented in a RFP?

What basic criteria should be used to evaluate software packages?

Why does a vendor sales representative play a critical role in the selection process?

What are characteristics of a finacially troubled vendor?

When should PMS training take place? Who should be trained?

Describe the characteristics of an effective training program.

Why is training of new hires such a problem? What long-term impact does this have on system utilization and acceptance? Are there any viable solutions?

What can be done to reduce eye fatigue and unnatural body positions due to computer equipment?

What is the role of technology in service improvement?

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