I am currently an
instructor at Northern Arizona University in Flagstaff, Arizona. I am originally
from the Eastern Navajo Agency. I
received my B.A. and M.A. in Education at the University of New
Mexico. My Doctoral Studies include Native Language
Teacher Education, Reversing Navajo Language Shift & Oppression, Bilingual
& Multicultural Education, and Family Literacy & Second Language
My previous experience
include: 15-years of Teaching in BIA
School, Whole Language Approach for Early Literacy Development; and,
coordinated four-years of Navajo Language Immersion Camp with Navajo Families
living in Albuquerque, New Mexico.
I also teach for the
American Indian Language Development Institute in Tucson, Arizona and presents on topics for Reversing Language Shifts in
Native American communities using Immersion-Teaching methods. I am an active member of the National Council
of Teachers of English. I have also
participated in establishing the Principles for the International Family
Literacy with Denny Taylor.
Other affiliations
include: Dine’ Language Association, Indigenous Bilingual Education/National
Association for Bilingual Education, and the National Indian Education
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