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Home : Cognitive Module : Value of Structure : Procedures


Rules and procedures provide structure for the classroom. How are they different?

Procedures are a specific way of doing something and the set of steps that make a task simpler or easier.

    They are specific to a task, time and place.
    They fit together like a ritual and become habit with practice.
    They are not wrong or right, but expedient or part of a person's expectations.
    They are often personality specific and depend on an authority figures need for order.

Keep them:

  • situation specific
  • clean and simple
  • value free

Sample Procedures
Primary Elementary Secondary
Lining up
Leaving the room
Carrying scissors
Going to the bathroom
Washing up
Morning roll call
Circle time
Going to lunch
Playing with toys
Moving about the school
Running errands
Turning in papers
Special classes
Lunch room behavior
PE participation
Center time
Seat work
Stewardship of desk area
Tardiness and attendance
Cooperative Learning
Pencil sharpening
Hall behavior
Care of lockers
Turning in papers
Dress code
Use of vulgar language
Class participation
Substance abuse
Respect of authority
Extra curricular programs


  1. Review your current procedures.

  2. Choose the most irritating part of your classroom day and develop a set of procedures that will streamline the task or transition.

  3. Implement the chosen procedure. Consider the following suggestions:

    • explain to students why you want the change
    • go over your chosen procedures
    • give students an opportunity to discuss and augment the plan
    • practice together, first verbally, then actually go through the processes to build the habit
    • show gratitude or appreciation for those who help support the learning process
    • review the process, periodically, once it is habituated
    • be patient and avert power plays or control issues with students who are initially resistant

Once you have completed this topic you should:

Go back to Online Reading 2

E-mail J'Anne Ellsworth at

Course Created by J'Anne Ellsworth & Center for Technology Enhanced Learning

Copyright © 2001 Northern Arizona University

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