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Tools of Freud

Damien said... "So you got me, what are you gonna do with me."

Let's do a little surfing. Each of these gives a brief definition, but it is also provides links to sites that discuss these tools.


Relaxation is a way of moving from high alert to a calmer and quieter state. It can be done with imagery, self thought, exercise. You have control over your state, but you will need to remember to check how you are feeling. You did not come with a gauge.

Quieting exercise

Stress management


Defense Mechanisms

When things are not going well, we want to protect ourselves. Sometimes the protection is intentional and conscious, but sometimes it springs from internal needs and energy. There are many defenses that we use.

Rationalizing - I don't yell every day, I don't have a problem. Justifying - If you had my boss, you would call in sick, too.
Minimizing - I wasn't that late. Projecting - You always manipulate to get what you want.

Cockiness - I got it made, these other folks are losers.

Blaming - You drove me to drink/use.It is my job stress.
Intellectualizing - Research shows I'm probably not an addict since I only smoke during breaks. Humor - This isn't serious. Life is a joke

Manipulation - If you quit bitching, I'll quit drinking/using

Lying - The check is in the mail.
Accusing - This is a terrible class of kids. I have to yell to be heard over them. I always get the bad ones! Judging - If you did this or that right, things wouldn't be so bad.
Threatening - Get off my back or you will be sorry! Explaining - Oh, I don't do lesson plans because I . . .
Analyzing - I cannot get involved in going to PTO meetings because of ____, maybe I will attend next year. Defiance - I dare you to prove that I'm an alcoholic/addict.
Arguing - I'm not causing trouble by driving students around in my own car . . . Withdrawing - If I don't do or say anything, they will leave me alone.
Shouting - Leave me alone, I don't want to talk about it! Silence - Smiling - Just laugh it off. Nervous smile.
Compliance - I just do and say what they want.

Freud's ideas

Theories in mental health


Self Awareness

Self awareness is possible because of ego development. Many animals are not self aware. Children do not begin to recognize a self until about 18 months of age. This is a very complex concept, wrapped in ability to choose right from wrong, to understand and care about the needs of others, and to distinguish who we are and what we believe. It appears to be something that distinguishes a sentient being.

Yoga program


Self Control

We have many emotions. They can be triggered by cognitive and environmental occurrences. We can also trigger past experiences that color the way we feel about a current happening. Being human, we can learn to recognize and control the way we feel. In teaching, this is particularly important. You may have had poor school experiences, yet you can determine how you will respond to students. You need not do things you did not value from your own experiences with teachers.

You can change the way you respond today, regardless of the ways you responded in the past. You have the ability and the right to control yourself. You also have the responsibility, as a teacher, to support that kind of emotional discipline and maturity with your students.

Self discipline and study skills


LD and self control

Emotion Management

We do not come with gauges, like we can find on our car -- in fact, we do not even have what used to be called idiot lights - something to let us know that we are about to boil over. In teaching, if you can control your emotions, know how you feel and why you are upset, what students may be doing that you find difficult to handle, you will have the most critical tools to having a peaceful and positive learning community.

Emotional intelligence

EQ test

Anger management

Self help magazine

Level of Trust

This refers to the ideas discussed by Erik Erikson. He notes that the first ego task is to determine trust or mistrust. It is likely that this is the first task in any relationship, throughout life. How do you feel about students? Do you tend to question the things they do to help them or because you feel they may be intending to break rules, to cheat, to lie? Your level of trust may say more about what you believe than it does about what your students believe. Intentions, motivations, expectations -- all come from our trust level.

As we discuss intentions, ask yourself this: Do you believe that most people are basically good, that we do the best we can, that all things considered, people want to do the right thing? What do you believe about children, about learning, about yourself?

Erikson bio

Psychosocial development


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Course Created by J'Anne Ellsworth & Center for Technology Enhanced Learning

Copyright © 2001 Northern Arizona University

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