Rage and Control
Fight / Flight Hostility Questionnaire
Directions: Fill this out as honestly as possible. You need not
share the score with others.
- A person drives by my yard with the car stereo blaring acid rock.
A. I wonder if the driver is ruining his hearing. B. I can feel my blood
pressure starting to rise.
- The person who cuts my hair trims off more than I wanted. A.. I tell
him or her what a lousy job he or she did. B . I figure it’ll grow back,
and I resolve to give my instructions more forcefully next time.
- I am in the express checkout line at the supermarket, where a sign
reads: “No more than 10 items, please!” A. I pick up a magazine to pass
the time. B. I glance ahead to see if anyone has more than ten items.
- Many large cities have a visible number of homeless people. A. I believe
that the homeless are down and out because they lack ambition. B. The
homeless are victims of illness or some other misfortune.
- There have been times when I was very angry with someone. A. I was
always able to stop short of hitting them. B. I have, on occasion, hit
or shoved them.
- The newspaper contains a prominent news story about drug related crime.
A. I wish the government had better educational/drug programs, even
for pushers. B. I wish we could put every drug pusher away for good.
- The prevalence of AIDS has reached alarming proportions. A. This is
largely the result of irresponsible behavior on the part of a small
group of the population. B. AIDS is a major tragedy.
- I sometimes argue with a friend or relative A. I find profanity an
effective tool. B. I hardly ever use profanity.
- I am stuck in a traffic jam. A. I usually am not particularly upset.
B. I quickly start to feel irritated and annoyed.
- There is a really important job to be done. A. I prefer to do it myself.
B. I am apt to call on my friends or co-workers to help.
- Sometimes I keep my angry feelings to myself. A. Doing so can often
prevent me from making a mountain out of a molehill. B. Doing so is
usually a bad idea.
- Another driver butts ahead of me in traffic. A. I usually flash my
lights or honk my horn. B. I stay farther back behind such a driver.
- Someone treats me unfairly. A. I usually forget it rather easily.
B. I am apt to keep thinking about it for hours.
- The cars ahead of me on an unfamiliar road start to slow and stop
as they approach a curve. A. I assume that there is a construction site
ahead. B. I assume someone ahead had a fender bender.
- Someone expresses an ignorant belief. A. I try to correct him or her.
B. I am likely to let it pass.
- I am caught in a slow moving bank or supermarket line. A. I usually
start to fume at people who dawdle ahead of me. B. I seldom notice the
- Someone is being rude or annoying. A. I am apt to avoid him or her
in the future. B. I might have to straight them out.
- An election year roles around. A. I learn anew that politicians are
not to be trusted. B. I am caught up in the excitement of pulling for
my candidate.
- An elevator stops too long on a floor above where I am waiting. A.
I soon start to feel irritated and annoyed. B. I start planning the
rest of my day.
- I am around someone I don’t like. A. I try to end the encounter as
soon as p[possible. B. I find it hard not to be rude to him or her.
- I see a very overweight person working down the street. A. I wonder
why this person has such little self-control. B. I think that he or
she might have a hard time walking.
- I am riding as a passenger in the front seat of a car. A. I take
the opportunity to enjoy the scenery. B. I try to stay alert for obstacles
- Someone criticizes something I have done. A. I feel annoyed. B. I
try to decide whether the criticism is justified.
- I am involved in an argument. A. I concentrate hard so that I can
get my point across. B. I can feel my heart pounding and I breathe harder.
- A friend or co-worker disagrees with me. A. I try to explain my position
clearly. B. I am apt to get into an argument with him or her.
- Someone is speaking very slowly during a conversation. A. I am apt
to finish his or her sentences. B. I am apt to listen until s/he finishes.
- If they were put on the horn system, most wouldn’t sneak into a movie
theater without paying. A. That’s because they are afraid of being caught.
B. It’s because it would be wrong.
- I have strong beliefs about rearing children. A. I try to reward mine
when they behave well. B. I make sure they know what the rules are.
- I hear news of another terrorist attack. A. I feel like lashing out.
B. I wonder how people can be so cruel.
- I am talking with my dearest friend. A. I often find my thoughts
racing ahead to what I plan to say next. B. I find it easy to pay close
attention to what he or she is saying.
- There have been times in the past when I was really angry. A. I have
never thrown things or slammed a door. B. At times I have thrown something
or slammed a door.
- Life is full of little annoyances. A. They often seem to get under
my skin. B. They seem to roll off my back unnoticed.
- I disapprove of something a friend has done. A. I usually keep such
disapproval to myself. B. I usually let him or her know about it.
- I am requestion a seat assignment for an airline flight. A. I usually
request a seat in a specific area of the plane. B. I generally leave
the choice to the agent.
- I feel a certain way nearly every day of the week. A. I feel grouchy
some of the time. B. I usually stay on an even keel.
- Someone bumps into me at the store. A. I pass it off as an accident.
B. I feel irritated at the person’s clumsiness.
- Someone around me is preparing a meal. A. I keep an eye out to make
sure nothing burns or cooks too long. B. I either talk with them or
find something else to do.
- A friend calls at the last minute to say that s/he is too tired to
go out tonight and I am stuck with expensive tickets. A. I try to find
someone else to go with me. B. I tell my friend just how inconsiderate
s/he is.
- I recall something that angered me previously. A. I feel angry all
over again. B. The memory doesn't bother me nearly as much as the actually
event did.
- I see people walking around in shopping malls. A. Many of them are
either shopping or exercising. B. Many are wasting time.
- Someone is hogging the conversation at a party. A. I look for an opportunity
to put him or her down. B. I move to another group.
- At times I have to work with incompetent people. A. I concentrate
on my part of the job. B. Having to put up with them ticks me off.
- My spouse, boyfriend or girlfriend is going to get me a birthday
present. A. I prefer to pick it out myself. B. I prefer to be surprised.
- I hold a poor opinion of someone. A. I keep it to myself. B. I let
others know about it.
- In most arguments I have, the roles are consistent. A. I am the angrier
one. B. The other person is angrier than I am.
- Slow-moving lines can often be found in banks and supermarkets. A.
They are an unavoidable part of modern life. B. They are often due to
someone’s incompetence.
Cynicism: a mistrusting attitude
regarding the motives of people in general, leading one to be constantly
on guard against the “misbehavior” of others. |
3 (B) 4 (A) 7 (A) 10 (A) 14 (B) 18 (B) 21 (A) 22 (B)
27 (A) 30 (A) 34 (A) 37 (A) 40 (B) 43 (A) 46 (B) |
Anger: the emotion so often
engendered |
1 (B) 6 (B) 9 (B) 13 (B) 16 (A) 19 (A) 23 (A) 23 (B)
29 (A) 32 (A) 35 (A) 36 (B) 39 (A) 42 (B) 45 (A) |
Aggression: The behavior to
which many hostile people are driven by unpleasant negative emotions
of anger, irritation, frustration, rage. |
2 (A) 5 (B) 8 (A) 11 (B) 12 (A) 15 (A) 17 (B) 20 (B)
25 (B) 26 (A) 28 (B) 31 (B) 33 (B) 38 (B) 41 (A) 44 (B) |
Key: 0 - 3 = low 4 - 6 = borderline 7 - +
= consider making a personal change
Hostility _____________ Anger _____________ Aggression _____________
Total _____________
* * If the total score is more than 10, it would also be healthful to
consider a review. It may be that you are putting your health at risk.
You should now:
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Balance of Power
E-mail J'Anne Ellsworth at Janne.Ellsworth@nau.edu
Copyright © 1999 Northern Arizona