Text Reading, Objective & Contracts
You just completed the pretest, so you have a fair idea of what you know and what you find challenging. The Malott text is set up as a series of short readings and activities to establish competence in each objective.
These are the objectives for the module:
- Define words and concepts associated with the behavioral frame of reference.
- Recognize appropriate Behavioral measurement strategies for gathering data on student performance.
- Perform a functional analysis on a student.
- Identify and explain six or more strategies for strengthening behaviors.
- Identify and explain six or more strategies for weakening behaviors.
- Develop components of a discipline program that provide supportive, preventive and corrective techniques using the Behavioral frame of reference.
- Using a case study format, develop a behavior contract, addressing dangerous student actions.
Please develop an individual learning contract, personalizing the use of the Malott text and suggested or personally developed activities to show competence in the objectives.
- Begin by skimming through the Malott text, finding the pattern the authors use to increase understanding of concepts and the rather interesting examples used to add depth and enrichment. Some of the most difficult examples of student misbehaviors are presented, with solutions and ideas for treatment and prevention.
- Next look at the sample contract. It provides a model for completing the module expeditiously. Feel free to adopt it or adapt suggested activities and evaluations if it will meet your needs.
- Once the course contract is developed, send a copy to the instructor for approval.
- Upon confirmation of acceptance of the learning plan or contract, begin the course.
Sample Contract |
1 |
pp. 1-49; 51-2; 72-4;
91-94; 109-118; 130-39;
143-45; 163-69; 183-89;
208-17; 231-37; 255-59;
278-87; 413-17. |
Look up 6 terms on the web and share ideas or web sites in VCC. |
* Post-test shows sophistication and understanding of concepts.
*VCC log-ons
2 |
pp. 58-60; 66-67; 88-89;
125-26; 139-41; 429-48. |
Observe a student and chart a target behavior. |
* Charts showing understanding of behavior charting. |
3 |
pp.44; 432-35. |
Perform functional analysis on student observed in #2. |
*Implement and review intervention process with one minute essay |
4 |
pp. 17-21; 35-9; 82-3;
109-20; 130-9; 208-11;
Review p. 48, ans.
Quest: 1-2, p. 171 |
Write six strategies for increasing behav. |
Show a tree diagram of basic behavior contingencies (p. 83). |
5 |
pp. 32-5; 50-61; 72-83;
1-101; 121-25; 231-34;
246-52; 302 |
Review chart on p.302 and answer questions on p.311
Provide six strategies decreasing behav. |
Draw a contingency table to explain a behavior and make a plan for intervention. |
5 |
List several examples of each catergory
- preventive discipline
- supportive discipline
- corrective discipline
Detail methods for including the three discipline categories in your classroom. |
You should now:
Go on to Online Reading 1
Go back to Behavior Management
E-mail J'Anne Ellsworth at Janne.Ellsworth@nau.edu

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Northern Arizona University