Suicide Alert
Technique: Act on concern. If a teacher is alerted, verbally or intuitively it should be followed by action. If a student says that suicide is being considered or names another student who may be considering suicide, take it seriously and get help.
Warning Signals
- Deep depression
- Drop in grades
- Withdrawal from family & friends
- Drop in activities or sports
- Major loss - steady boy or girlfriend
- Eating or sleeping habits change
- Outbursts or unusual or reckless behavior
- Giving away treasured possessions
- Preoccupation with subject of death, literature about death
- Neglect of person and hygiene (if well groomed before)
- Talk of suicide or worthlessness
About 5000 teens will kill themselves this year.
250,000 teens will attempt suicide this year.
Eight times as many girls as boys will attempt suicide. Boys will succeed more.
Suicide is the second leading cause of death among young people.
Twice as many teens commit suicide today as did ten years ago.
Teens who commit suicide are extremely unhappy but not necessarily mentally ill.
Suicide does not ‘run in families’ and it is not a ‘rich person’s problem. It is an individual behavior and is represented proportionately in all social strata.
Native American youth and students who believe they may be gay are at greatest risk.
Suicide typically occurs as the person is beginning to recover and has found the energy
to put morbid thoughts into action. The start of counseling or drug relief and the following three months are high risk.
Most suicides are undecided and “gamble with death.”
Suicidal people give many warnings and clues regarding their intentions.
Eight out of ten people who kill themselves gave definite warnings of suicidal intentions. Many more of those who made attempts alerted others.
Suicidal ideas are fleeting. People can feel suicidal, get beyond the crisis and not return to suicidal ideation.
Successful teen suicide pacts may increase suicidal behavior in a ripple effect.
From Public Health Publication # 852, U.S. Government
Medical concerns: Never ignore a warning. GET HELP - DES, DPS, Mental Health Agencies, 911, Family Doctor, Emergency Room, Principal. Keep going until someone responds!
Strategy |
Behavioristic |
Cognitive |
Humanistic |
Physiological |
Psychodynamic |
Program |
Behaviorism |
Essentialism |
Existentialism |
Perennialism |
Progressivism |
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E-mail J'Anne Ellsworth at Janne.Ellsworth@nau.edu

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Northern Arizona University