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Assessing Personal ReadinessPro-active Discipline
Mark - for each you do not wish to use Mark ? for those that sound productive, but you are not certain about how to implement it. ___ I plan to give up rituals of the past that frame punishment as positive. ___ I believe there are different or more effective alternative. ___ I thing the relief that comes from punishment keeps adults turning to it. ___ Punishment is a draining of adrenalin and a way for adults to self soothe. ___ We do not have a right to get students to change their behavior out of fear. ___ I want to help meet each student’s basic need to be loved and accepted. ___ If I have to choose, then children’s need come before teaching content. ___ Great teaching is complex, entangled, paradoxical and elusive ___ Schooling is only good for the whole if it is good for the individual child. ___ Teaching and learning involve relationship and process. ___ Teaching and learning involve art and craft. ___ I value the multi-faceted, multi-dimensional nature of teaching/ learning. ___ I understand that each group, setting, and child is unique, meaning that I cannot have a “One size fits all” discipline plan. ___ Understanding the hopes and aspirations of individual students strengthens classroom management. ___ I will be most successful if I include the needs of all members in the classroom in my planning and curriculum design. ___ Students of every age need tenderness and attention to needs and desires. ___ Student can be taught to be agents for self control and motivation. ___ I can empower students to take responsibility for self and learning. ___ Students can engage in the process and substance of education. ___ Pro-active discipline can help students shift from passive participation or detractor to motivated partner. ___ Pro-active discipline opens students’ awareness of freedom to learn. ___ Pro-active discipline changes the way we measure and report progress. ___ Pro-active discipline includes seeing the student as a real whole person. ___ This requires a mutual quest with focus on civility & community building. ___ Pro-active discipline includes helping students develop tools to engage life, to enhance personal gifts and abilities. ___ It includes helping students value, acquire and hone tools for a life time of learning, thinking, reflecting ___ Every child has unique and special gifts and abilities to enhance. ___ Shared governance helps maintain structural integrity in the classroom. ___ The community building process is developmental in nature & teachers can use, model and teach skills necessary to enhance the community. ___ I understand the value of accepting personal responsibility to do my best. ___ I have the maturity to utilize second person perspective in understanding students. ___ Cooperation and individuation enhance elements of personality and individuality. ___ Self competition can be healthy but keeping competition going in the classroom often leads to resentment and disillusionment. ___ Process curriculum is as important as product curriculum. ___ I see my students as personal “beings.” ___ I value the person as much as doer. ___ I balance my need for control and self expression with sanctity of others. ___ Through proactive discipline, power and control become part of the learning experiences. ___ I see autonomy /heteronomy as life-long dimensions of self will and socialization. ___________ + TOTAL ___________ - TOTAL ___________ ? TOTAL There are forty points possible. The closer you get to 40 points, the more likely you are to feel comfortable building a pro-active classroom. You may want to jot down some of your questions and watch for links to related material. You should now: Go on to Online Reading 1 E-mail J'Anne Ellsworth at Janne.Ellsworth@nau.edu ![]()
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