Preventive Discipline - Web Search
To complete this assignment successfully, you should:
- Read the assignment carefully
- Complete the activity as outlined below
- Using the search engines of your choice, look for materials on student motives for misbehavior, student needs, and motivation.
- Look for some of Rudolph Dreikur's works. He initiated the ideas about four motives for student behavior.
- Look up material by William Glasser and his Control Theory. His motives for student misbehavior are a little different.
- If you find this topic intriguing, look for materials that adapt Deming's quality circles ideas into the school.
- Share you findings in summary form at the Virtual Conference Center.
- Discuss the ideas this material on roles generates at a teacher chat room.
Found a web source for each role or supporting literature, noted findings at the VCC and chatted at least once about one of the roles.
Found a web source or supporting literature for each role. Identifies the names of those who have contributed to understanding the roles, then summarizes these at the VCC and expands upon these ideas through on line teacher or education room chats.
E-mail J'Anne Ellsworth at Janne.Ellsworth@nau.edu

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Northern Arizona University