Student Lessons
To complete this assignment successfully, you should:
- Study the assignment carefully
- Enter your response(s) in the space(s) provided
- Fill in your Name and Email address
- Send the Assignment
- Read the three lessons provided for your class age range. Primary students include preK-3, intermediate includes 4-6, middle includes 7th grade and above.
- Consider some of the process skills you would like your students to learn. If you have not considered this as a teaching possibility, make a list of several things students do that are annoying or cut into learning time.
- Develop a personal model for a process lesson plan, or better yet, develop a way to teach a process skill with a current set of objectives.
- Using your own personalized lesson plan, write up a lesson to use in your own classroom that may increase pro-social behavior and enhance the ambiance or learning environment. Share this on the web.
Found a web source for each role or supporting literature, noted findings at the VCC and chatted at least once about one of the roles.
Found a web source or supporting literature for each role. Identifies the names of those who have contributed to understanding the roles, then summarizes these at the VCC and expands upon these ideas through on line teacher or education room chats.
E-mail J'Anne Ellsworth at Janne.Ellsworth@nau.edu

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Northern Arizona University