Lesson Four - Intermediate
Sharing an Opinion
Preset: Set up groups as soon as the children enter the room. Help them to complete the fingerprinting activities. Students rub fingers in ink or run a pencil over their prings. Then press finger tips with scotch tape. Transfer the print by sticking the tape to a piece of white pape. Together, work out the understanding that no two people have the same fingerprints, and people do not have the same opinions about things.
Read a high energy short story to the students.
- Let each child draw a picture about the story when it is finished.
- Have each child write one sentence on a paper to express what s/he thinks of the story.
- Place the picture and writing papers around the room. Let each child walk around and share them
Summary: |
- How many children drew the same picture?
- How many children said the same things about the story?
We do not see things in the same way and we do not always feel the same way about things that happen or stories we hear.
- Who is right?
- Which picture is the best one for the story?
The pictures are a way of showing our opinions. Things we write tell our opinions. Things we say also tell our opinions. We need to reflect on other opinions that are different than our own and learn from them. Opinions are not facts. They are not wrong or right.
In this class we will let everyone express an opinion and accept those ideas. This is called "open minded". It is a very important thing to do. As you listen to people, you will find that some are not willing to let others feel differently or see things differently without getting upset or angry.
Raise your hand if you want to learn to value opinions and want others to value your ideas.
Materials needed: |
Fingerprint worksheet, pencils, scotch tape
Lined paper and art paper
Story |
You should now:
Go on to Assignment 2
Go back to Supportive Discipline
E-mail J'Anne Ellsworth at Janne.Ellsworth@nau.edu

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Northern Arizona University