Behavior Management Pro-active Technique Developmental Discipline
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ESE502 : The Class : Pro-active Management : Supportive Discipline : Lesson 9

Lesson Nine - Middle School

Celebrating Self-control

Pass out worksheet - "Treasure Chest" which can be any type of picture or pattern for making a paper folding into a box. Students an decorate them until class starts. Gather any music selections and begin playing the music as a background. Remind students that background music is for mood and enjoyment. When it becomes one more noise to talk above, it is out of place and needs to be turned off.

In the last nine lesson we have focused on self and monitoring our own thoughts, communications and world view. We have discussed the importance of being our real selves, being true to ourselves and monitoring behavior to be certain that who we think we are and what we do, match. As part of that important knowledge, we also explored the consequences of negative and rule breaking behavior. This lesson will be a celebration of ourselves and those in the classroom with us.

  1. students complete individual treasure chests. Then have them place it on the outside of a construction paper folder that will accept folded papers.

  2. Have students spend ten minutes writing up examples of things other students have done that showed the qualities of being real (as defined by the lessons and summarized in the self monitoring worksheet. Place the "Honesty Rules" on the board and remind them that they must be "real" also, and not break honesty and communications guidelines.

  3. Remind students that a key to communicating is self knowledge that is shared. Have students "open up" their personal treasure chests and enjoy the things others value about them.
Each of us is special in important ways. Most importantly, each of us contributes to the group in important ways. To make a true contribution, it is not important to be center stage, but to be real -- and to have the real self closely monitored and under our own personal control. We celebrate those who are mature enough to meet their own needs as well as being able to share in the group good.

The party treats and drinks should be available from the beginning of the activity time. Remind students to keep on monitoring and growing through the semester.

Materials needed: "Treasure Chest" worksheet
Honesty Rules
Two pieces of construction paper for each student envelope
Party treats
Cassette or CD player to listen to student musical selections

Honesty Rules
  1. Is it the truth or an opinion?
  2. If it is an opinion, state that it is "My opinion is . . ."
  3. Is it going to be appreciated?
  4. Will it help the other person? If it might hurt, don't share it until the person has support and knows you care. Note: If it might hurt the person, don't write it as a note!
  5. Would you like it said about you? NO? Then ponder carefully if it must be said.
  • Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

  • To speak ill of others is a dishonest way of praising ourselves. - Durant

  • Evil report, like the Italian stiletto, is an assassin's weapon. - Maintenon

  • The real art of conversation is not only to say the right thing in the right place, but to leave unsaid the wrong thing at the tempting moment. - Lady Nevill

You should now:

Go on to Assignment 2
Go back to Supportive Discipline

E-mail J'Anne Ellsworth at


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