Lesson Eight - Dress -- the Costume of Self
Write an autobiographical account entitled: A History of my Hair. Illustrations are encouraged.
“The other day we were going to church and my daughter was making a presentation. When she arrived at the car she was wearing a lovely cocktail dress. I sent her back to change into something a little more modest and similar to the dress of others who attend that church. She initially refused stating “God isn’t going to care how I’m dressed, why should anyone else? It’s His house!!”
After sharing the story, open discussion within groups. Have each group respond to the following:
- Was the mother’s response appropriate?
- Was the daughter’s response appropriate?
- Would you have asked the girl to change? Why?
- Design a pair of shoes that is perfect for one purpose.
- Look around at the shoes in the room. Write a short poem about one pair.
- In the school setting should there be any dress requirements? Why?
- Make a list of the dress code you would suggest for adults.
Would there be varying codes depending on the job? - janitor, teacher,
nurse, cafeteria worker, kindergarten teacher, high school teacher?
- Make a list of the dress code you would suggest for students.
- What should happen to teachers or students who do not follow the code?
Once you have finished you should:
Go on to Assignment 3
Go back to Supportive Discipline
E-mail J'Anne Ellsworth at Janne.Ellsworth@nau.edu

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Northern Arizona University