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Special Needs Categories
Youth Involved (ages 6-21)
Percent of Disabilities
Specific learning disabilities | 2,524,000 | 51.1 |
Speech or language impairments | 1,024,000 | 20.8 |
Mental Retardation MR with multiple handicaps |
571,000 90,000 |
11.6 1.8 |
Emotional disturbances | 428,000 | 8.7 |
Various health impairments | 106,500 | 2.1 |
Hearing impairment | 65,500 | 1.3 |
Orthopedic impairment | 60,600 | 1.2 |
Visual impairment | 26,000 | 0.5 |
Autism | 22,800 | 0.04 |
Traumatic brain injury | 7,200 | 0.0014 |
This data is from the U.S. Department of Education, 1996
Important notes
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PROS for labeling
CONS against labeling
Convenient for placement decisions Communicates about the student needs Makes accountability easier * * * * * |
Isolate youngsters from the norm "Comes to stay" - once labeled LD, always LD; once bad in math . . . Self fulfilling prophecy Over identification -- looking for "what's wrong" * * * * |
In conclusion - | In conclusion - |
If you feel strongly about labeling, this might be a good place to visit WebCT and share your opinions. You may choose to write a one minute essay, showcasing your feelings or experiences [25 points] or share the list and conclusions above [25 points]. You may also email your ideas to the instructor. Janne.Ellsworth@nau.edu
It is possible to have something wrong - - to be different from others, and still value self. It is possible to have a child who has something wrong, and still love them as though the child is perfect. Sometimes we lose sight of how little and unimportant these differences really are. Follow these ideas for a moment to see what I mean. If you had a child and they had red hair, would you learn to adjust? Could you love her for that special color of hair? Would you mind if others made fun of her? Would it be OK to call her "Copper Top" or carrot top? Would it matter who said it and how they said it? If you had a son and he only grew to be 5'7" would you lament it every day of his life? Does it ruin who he is for you? Let me share with you, how my daughter's disability affects me. At first, it was hard to accept. I did not understand all the ins and outs of the disability how to parent most effectively - but I had the same kind of discovery process with my natural and normal youngster the first time I was a parent. With my daughter who was diagnosed with Down's Syndrome, at first I did not believe the child was limited. Then I made an heroic effort to erase the differences - to love the problems and symptoms right out of her, work with her night and day to undo the developmental delays. I was angry when one of the doctors called her a Mongoloid -- I asked him to stop, and when he continued to talk about her as though she were a bandage on a role, I never went back to him. I got upset with teachers who let her play all day in the water fountain rather than helping her. I was adamant that she was going to be "NORMAL" I had a sister who sent me clippings of plastic surgery we could have done on her so no one could tell she was a Down child. I did all the infant stimulation exercises with dramatic flair, read about megavitamin therapy and every other piece of literature that held out a vision of helping her be more normal. And then one day, I started to laugh at her funny little dance, realized how limber and special her body was, became amused when she dressed herself, two shades of red and orange, shirt inside out and shoes on the wrong feet, and strutted to show me that she was a big girl. I realized that I loved so many things about her, that the things she could not do, who she would not be, were not important. I was so glad that she was able to love me in spite of my disability - my lack of understanding that who she was was just right. I was thankful that I had not ruined her self esteem - that my panic at foolish appearances and receiving peanut butter hugs and kisses wherever her hands and mouth planted them had not thwarted her loving little heart. I decided from that day on to finish growing up. I wanted to be as loving and kind as she. Now, when someone can't see her beauty, I tell them a funny little story. As we laugh about her life, I celebrate being able to understand that my child, and each child, is a miracle, unique, different, enough. I also know that part of my job as an educator may be to help parents and teachers hurry along the same road I traveled until they can be delighted, at least in some small measure with who they are and with whom they get to spend life "Celebrate, celebrate! Dance to the music of life!!!" .Becoming a parent is a life changing experience. Having a child with disabilities adds to the growth, the changes in perspectives. Much of the changes in our educational revolution came about because parents realized just how special a child was and refused to let others demean the child .IDEA 1997 celebrates that parent spirit and asks us all to grow into more loving and accepting participants in the molding and educating of tomorrow's leaders. Take the time to talk with parents of children. Some parents have a healthy child and are upset because they wanted a kid with blue eyes, or one who could sing, one who has beauty pageant potential. Other parents are busy seeing who a child is and looking for ways to enhance life and draw out the best the child can be. These ways of seeing children are not unique to special education. . . but we may have the gift of needing to learning to look more deeply, more acutely - and with the dazzling colors of "enough" . |
Click on the category to move to readings with definitions, links and ideas for enhancing teaching. |
Gifted is also a category for special education, though it is not addressed in the same way in IDEA 97.
Another informational reading discusses at-risk. A style of learning, social, cultural, language stressors or life experiences may make it difficult for a youngster to learn. Having difficulty learning, as noted earlier, does not constitute a necessary condition for referral or placement.
Click to go to a general definition of each category:
Assignment Array
If you feel
strongly about labeling, this might be a good place to visit WebCT and
share your opinions. You may choose to write a one minute essay, showcasing
your feelings or experiences [25 points] or share the list and conclusions
above [25 points]. You may also email your ideas to the instructor. Janne.Ellsworth@nau.edu
time to interview the parent of a special needs child and the parent of
a child without a label. Look for similarities and differences. Write
up a one minute essay about your findings and send it by email to the
instructor. [50 points] Janne.Ellsworth@nau.edu
Read Chapter Four in the
Wood text (pp. 70-100), noting characteristics that define various disability
labels.[50 points]
Review the lists of methods
offered by the Wood text. As you go through each idea, put a star by each
suggestion that could be seen as common sense. [25 points]
Make your own narrative
time line of changes in treatment of students since you began school.
Share it in WebCT. [25 points]
Services to Youth
with Special Needs
It is important to learn about children - to understand learning theory, child development, explore the wide variety of ways students learn and the unique needs or learning styles that make up the population of those who will need special services. It is also important to look at the other pieces in the puzzle - the services that are available in the classroom, the school and the district. All the people I know have a wish list. I certainly have one. I also understand the difference between what I need and what I wish for or want.
It is critical to sort out some of these distinctions. Our ability to provide services can be strengthened by scrutinizing what we have the ability to provide, the skills we need to gain to provide better services and also look for ways to involve the community in helping us work more effectively within the financial and "people" resources.
The supreme court made it very clear that schools cannot use lack of money as an excuse for not providing services. At the same time, schools do not have unlimited resources, and do not have a magic lamp. Recognizing legitimate barriers can help all of us, parents, students and educators feel better about what we can do and plan for better services in the future. Here are some examples of barriers:
If a child comes to our little rural Arizona school from Belgrade, at least initially, we probably will not be able to:
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If we have youngsters who need daily physical therapy, but we live in a remote area with a small population and no one trained as a therapist, we may be limited in the amount and frequency of therapy we can provide, despite wanting or needing the services.
When a youngster has serious emotional issues, we may not have the training or expertise to recognize the warning signs that would help us get therapy for a youngster.
We may believe that a student would benefit from special services, but parents may not believe it is in their son or daughter's best interest to be in a special program. They may refuse to allow testing, or refuse to cooperate with a course of action suggested by the evaluation process.
We have several ways of talking about services. Remember these words? Jot down a quick definition for them.
Due Process
These words are easier to say than put into practice.
They defy practical definition because they must be individualized to
each youngster. In each case, the concept describes a continuum of possibilities.
In each instance a group of people, parents, administrators, educators,
the student, professionals in the community, strive to come to a consensus
about the most dynamic use of available resources for the student. (For
a review of the mandates and guidelines that address these concepts,
click here.
In the response box, write a list of at least five creative things educators and parents can do to enhance student situations and improve education without greater funding. You may wish to refer to this list as Opportunities for Empowerment.
E-mail J'Anne Ellsworth
at Janne.Ellsworth@nau.edu
Course developed by J'Anne
Copyright © 1999
Northern Arizona University