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ESE548 : The Class : Sherlock Roams

Module 1: Sherlock Roams

In this first module, you join Sherlock as his trusty sidekick. In a number of episodes, you move about the world of children with special needs, looking for those critical ideas that allow you to recognize and understand the world as they see it. Along the way, you will find out about parents - partners in your search, for many are desperate in their desire to love, help and protect these youth. A more difficult task can hardly be imagined!

All the while, your search for clues is guided by the six main underpinnings of IDEA 97 and the following course objectives:

Course Objective for this Module
  1. Demonstrate knowledge and an understanding of characteristics and etiologies of the ten identified mandated categories and other various conditions that affect provision of educational services.
  1. Demonstrate an understanding of normal child growth and development and the educational implications of possible deficits and deviations from age and stage norms.
  1. Demonstrate knowledge of the physical, nutritional, cultural and environmental factors related to learning problems.

Six Crucial Principles in IDEA 1997 **Reminder - this underlined and colored phrase is a link and if you click your mouse on it, it will take you to a page on the web that is not part of this course. It is a great place to get the ideas you need. To get back to this course after you "browse", you will want to press the "back" button at the top of the computer screen -- the one on your browser. If you really like the location and want to be able to go back at will, you bookmark it on the browser bar - or you hit favorites and then your computer will store the site for you.**

Critical files were spirited away from Scotland Yard, unbeknownst to the director, and will be made available to help in your search. Of course, you will have a Personal Daybook (remember, it is your option whether you wish to use a notebook or open a personal web page) and that is where you may keep notes and scrawl important clues as well. As you go along, specific pages will be marked out to help you keep up with the insightful, ever knowledgeable Holmes.

The critical files can be found at a little known address: that even Holmes does not know about. You can check these files out, but of course, never remove them from their secret location.

You may wish to begin creating your Daybook as an early part of the course. To establish your daybook on the web, or create your own web page, visit this site. Creating your daybook is one of the first major assignments. You can make one on the web -- a personal web page. You will be able to keep notes and assignments there and the Inspector from Scotland Yard will visit from time to time to check on your progress. This is an empowering process - learning how to put your own site together.

Developing a personal web presence is optional! If you do not like tinkering on the web, make your daybook in notebook form.


Suggestions for a real time Daybook
Print out syllabus Print out and file lengthy readings
Note times working on the web Point tally
Collect resources for 10 categories of services Collect community service information
Collect court cases Print out and save favorite sites
Save ideas about assistive devices Collect information about parent rights
Develop materials on Least Restrictive Environment (LRE) Collect articles and tips on inclusion
Gather forms for a sample Child Study Team Collect sample IEP forms
Build files on 10 Special Needs Categories
green dot Autism
green dot Hearing impairment
green dot Mental Retardation
green dot Traumatic brain injury
green dot Communication issues
green dot Health Impairments
green dot Orthopedic impairments
At-risk is important but not an original category
green dot Emotional disturbances
green dot Learning Disabilities
green dot Visual impairment
Gifted is important but not an original category

In addition, Moriarty's archive was recently discovered in the labyrinthine underground. Apparently, in an effort to outsmart Holmes, he maintained a massive library. These tomes have been carefully reviewed and are worthy of your investment. Once we realized how very clever he had been in ferreting out the best information, we felt you should have the same sources to draw upon. These curious inscriptions in this next table may give you some notion of how to ferret out the material. Remember to utilize the secret e-mail addresses offered in the syllabus if you wish to purchase them online.

Moriarty's Library

Perceptive Pat
  1. Characteristics and etiologies of the ten mandated categories.
Chapter 4 - 12
  1. Child development and the ed. implications of deficits and deviations.

Chapter sub-topics

Online reading

  1. Knowledge of physical, nutritional, cultural, environmental factors in learning problem
Chapter 3 and sub topics

and for those with other texts . . .



Linear Lou
Perceptive Pat
Caring Kit
Smith or Turnbull

Busy BJ
  1. Characteristics and etiologies of the ten mandated categories.
Ch 3-11 Chapter 4 - 12
Chapters 4-16
Chapters 4-16
  1. Child development and the ed. implications of deficits and deviations.
Online reading

Chapter sub-topics

Online reading

Chapter 4

Online reading

Chapter 14

Online reading

  1. Knowledge of physical, nutritional, cultural, environmental factors in learning problem
Chapters 3-11 Chapter 3 and sub topics
Chapter sub-topics  

PLEASE remember to read the text as a whole for information and pleasure. You will be able to access your text for any tests required during activities or tests in this course.

As you read and digest the important clues contained in your daybook you may become consumed with the search for meaning, to understand the puzzle presented within the lives. You can search for insights on the web, seeking stories about youngsters learning to live with special conditions, overcoming great odds in order to share themselves fully with others. You may find other books that provide insights into famous lives and the specialness within each of us.

Did you know that Alexander the Great probably had a seizure disorder? Abraham Lincoln very likely suffered from a rare genetic disorder, Marfan syndrome Alexander Graham Bell, Thomas Edison and Beethoven had hearing losses. Einstein very definitely was learning disabled and found school so unappealing that he was a high school drop out.

This is the link if you are going to use a persona other than Pensive Pat


This module is divided into 4 personas. To complete this module successfully, please choose the persona you wish to pursue and then do the assignments and readings listed for that specific persona.

  1. Linear Lou
  2. Pensive Pat
  3. Busy BJ
  4. Caring Kit

You may find that Hollywood sees magic in these lives. Silver Screen classics include movies like My Left Foot, The Miracle Worker, Patch of Blue, Good Will Hunting, Little Man Tate, Rainman.

Special Needs Categories
Hearing impairment
Mental Retardation
Traumatic brain injury
Communication issues
Health Impairments
Orthopedic impairments
At-risk (extra)
Emotional disturbances
Learning Disabilities
Visual impairment
Gifted (extra)

Repeatedly you will search through documents on the web, in the tomes recommended and keep careful notes and diligently apply yourself in an effort to fully embrace the meaning of these terms or classifications.

More importantly, you may be able to beat Holmes to the final conclusion. He, of course, always the gifted genius, is famous for those instant surface clues, while you will look deeper, not contented to know of rope fibers or where the person may have last walked.

You will look to the heart of the matter.


Once you have completed this module you should:

Go on to Module 2: In Practice
Go back to Survery of Special Education

E-mail J'Anne Affeld at

Course developed by J'Anne & Martha Affeld


Copyright © 1999 Northern Arizona University