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Module Two

Reading One: Human nature and paradigm shifts

Extra: Activities to add depth to your understanding of paradigm and your world view:


Option One
Directions: This is a fascinating site that allows you to choose your own ideas about your belief systems. Then it compares your answers to 25 religions, providing a list of just how much your answers are different religions.

Web site quiz on religious beliefs

Option Two
Directions: Fill this out for pleasure. You may already know the material, and choose if you wish to learn more by looking for answers, or just ponder.

Philosophy of Human Nature Quiz #1

T or F 1. Our answers to large questions about existence depend on what we think is true or false of human nature.
  2. Human Nature may be:
a. Different for men and women.
b. Molded by the social environment.
c. Shaped by economic factors.
d. Shaped by political factors.
e. All of the above.
T or F 3. Different conceptions of Human nature lead to different views about what we ought to do and how we can do it.
T or F 4. If an all powerful and supremely good God made us then His/Her purpose defines what we can be and what we ought to be.
T or F 5. If we are products of society there can be no real solutions to human existence until human society is transformed.
  6. What is an IDEOLOGY?
  7. What is a PARADIGM?
  8. What FOUR elements do theories about human nature share?
  9. What is a CLOSED SYSTEM?


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