ESE625 Advanced Classroom Management Strategies
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Module Four

Reading One: Teacher as Educational Leader

Inducer / persuader

The teacher as Inducer/Persuader takes on the educational leadership role of high task commitment and high relationship. While respecting student freedom to learn, and projecting an impression of unique possibilities yet untried, the teacher is very explicit, provides a strong sense of organization and provides guidelines for expectations and outcomes. The students, in their turn, feel valued as learners; they sense a largeness of dimension yet understand how to direct their energies. Little is taken for granted with respect to expertise. Steps for success are described, practiced and evaluated. Reciprocity is created; commitment is demanded.

Characteristics of the High Task, High Relationship Role

recognizes student as individual
aware of and interested in students' world
respects student's autonomy
acknowledges student's unique subjectivity
affirms student's innate powers
aware of whole person, not just the mind
accepts diversity and levels of development within class
sensitivity to communication breakdown
joyfully incites to learning
personally enjoys teaching
playful yet demanding in approach to teaching/learning
appreciates being useful
cultivates largeness and breadth of spirit

General Aptitudes for this leadership role

finds ways to learn about students
creates positive first impressions
explains and thus expands boundaries of classroom, through appropriate facial expression, gestures, body movements
sets atmosphere for reciprocity
moves onto students' wave length
inspires student to believe in their abilities
tactfully broaches and discusses communication problems
accepts previous knowledge and experience of students as a given
creates exercises and assignments which help students connect with their previous knowledge and experience
creates assignments which interweave cognitive and affective levels
initiates students into "flow" activities involving relaxed concentration
learns to help students to sustain interest by creating contrasting activities and assignments
creates activities and assignments which balance use of skills with new challenges
uses appropriate humor to induce learning: avoids misuse of humor
shares own thinking and learning process with students
becomes attuned to rhythms of students to adapt leadership styles as needed

Student Aptitudes called upon

responds positively to teacher
appreciates teacher's concern and respect
learns to trust in teacher
personally relates to teacher
gains confidence in self and abilities
is attentive and receptive
becomes activated and finds satisfaction in responding rather than controlling
learns the value of relaxed concentration through "flow" activity
sees learning as enjoyable and playful rather than boring or anxiety-ridden
begins to view habitual world in new ways and recognize its value
connects previous knowledge and experience with new world of subject matter
sees broader aspects of subject
reads/studies out of interest and for understanding
begins to make personal investment in learning
appreciates humor in classroom
becomes more aware of other class members
begins move toward intrinsic motivation in learning
from Reinsmith (1992) pp. 44-47

A single atom of the sweetness of wisdom in a man's heart
is better than a thousand pavilions in paradise

- Abu Yazid l-Bastami

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