Review these statements for insight into personal beliefs and norms When you
find a statement that expresses your needs or wishes in the classroom, you may
wish to jot it down. These beliefs contribute to feeling successful or burned
out as we teach. If we recognize these norms, we can work on things that don't
As you work to develop or refine your discipline plan, remember to review these
underlying expectations and scripts. Of course, once you review these, you may
also realize that your script matches the experiences you had in school rather
than describing the kind of classroom you hope to have. Examining experiences
and contrasting them with your vision of great teaching may help balance your
discipline plan.
- Teachers must model self control
- Teachers need to be organized
- Teachers are in control of the classroom
- Teachers can be a friend to students
- Teachers should be liked by students
- Teachers need to understand themselves
- Teachers can share opinions and ideas
- Teachers are professionals
- Teachers can have fun - joie do vivre
- Teachers must demand and get respect
- Teachers need to be self disciplined
- Teachers can and must win power struggles
- Teachers cannot expect peer support
- Teachers know that parents are "the enemy"
- Teachers "pour" ideas into students
- Teachers need to understand children
- Teachers need to like children
- Knowing the subject is what really counts
- Teachers are not appreciated enough
- Teachers and students share a relationship
- Teachers are under a lot of stress
- Teaching students to think is a crucial task
- Teachers need to punish bad behavior
- Creativity detracts from learning content
- Teachers are social servants
- The school board is the enemy
- Teachers do not apologize to students
- Teachers should not admit to ignorance
- The administration is responsible for educational leadership, not
the teachers
- Teachers have little power, little pay and little appreciation
- Teachers can individualize instruction without losing rigor and content
- Self esteem is an over-done idea which detracts from the real work
of education
- Teachers are the best judge of whether a student has learned the content
- A good teacher knows the right answers to student questions
- Parents are a big part of the problem
- Students already know a great deal
- There are many effective ways to learn
- Children have personal needs
- Children need to be taught social skills
- Children are too powerful
- Children have a short attention span
- Homework is an essential teaching tool
- Children are basically lazy and sneaky
- Tests are an indispensable part of school
- Children are basically self centered
- Children learn best by good listening
- Children learn best when it is quiet
- Children can't be trusted to work together
- Children must be taught stewardship
- There are always a couple of bad kids
- Children lie to stay out of trouble
- Children can manage their time well
- Children can take ownership for learning
- Children will cheat if given a chance
- Cooperative learning is a great school tool
- Children cheat because they want to win
- The grading curve shows who's really learned
- Children work best when competing
- Knowing a lot is more important than understanding a little
- Seat work , worksheets and tests are the best proof that learning
- Achievement test scores prove who is the best teacher
- Children who present their learning through portfolios prove that
learning has occurred.
- Grade cards today are missing important areas
- The curriculum is covering the right things, but students aren't learning
as well any more
- American education is very poor compared to other counties.
- We are watering down our standards to get students out of school
- A longer school year is the best answer to our current problems
- The break-down of families is the real issue, and teachers cannot
see it as their job to try to change the situation