Level of Trust

Trust Building

Trust refers to feeling in control of self as well as feeling safe, understood, valued and protected in sharing self, contributing ideas and reaching out to others. Building trust begins with explaining areas of comfort and restraint and irritation.

Directions: Completes this sheet and then discusses needs, defenses and communication style with someone in a chat room or conference center.

I like communications to be:

  1. delivered in private
  2. never in front of others
  3. positive only
  4. honest
  5. sensivitives
  6. direct
  1. respectful
  2. as soon as possible
  3. end of the day
  4. non personal
  5. blunt
  6. gentle
  1. open
  2. kept just between us
  3. constructive
  4. productive
  5. over a cup of coffee
  6. straight to the point

I get defensive when

Don’t tell me about:

I show my anger by:

I show uncertainty by:

My best group role is:

I am really good at showcasing:


There are several levels of trust, and trust refers to feeling in control of self as well as feeling safe, understood, valued and protected in sharing self, contributing ideas and reaching out to others.

Indicators of low trust levels

When these indicators occur in the actions of one member or are evident in group dynamics, members can build a sense of safety by focusing on individual needs and issues as well as the importance of enhancing the cohesiveness of the unit.

Fear often slows or halts the group building process. It may help to discuss them as a part of group and offer assurances that members are valued and their fears and needs can be shared and honored.

  • I'm afraid you won't like me
  • I'm afraid to look at what I'm really like inside
  • We seem stuck in the group
  • I can't identify with anyone here
  • No one will like me once they know what I’m really like
  • Here's someone here I may not like
  • I can't see why we have to share our feelings
  • I don't feel safe in here
  • Nobody can understand me
  • Once I get angry, I won't be able to get myself back under control

Building Trust through Understanding

belief system
level of concern
cultural sense
cognitive style
modality preference
emotional context