Management Plan

Occasionally, student problems appear so complex that a behavior assessment is called for.
The following steps simplify the process.

Behavior charting

  1. Identify student
  2. Fill out and use a Behavior Assessment Form
    1. Define the behaviors to be observed (base record)
    2. Set up a schedule of timing for observing the student's behaviors.
      Example: 30 seconds of every other minute; 1 minute in five minutes
    3. If possible observe the student in several settings.
    4. Complete the observations using a Behavior Graphing Form.
  3. Analyze the findings.
  4. Develop the Behavior Enhancement system with the student (and with a team, if possible).
    Remember to stay with five behaviors or less.
  5. Develop a Contract.
  6. Hold a meeting with the teachers, parents, student and administration.
  7. Implement
  8. Periodically review and adjust.

Behavior Assessment Form

Student observed                                     Date
Teacher                                                  Time of day

Behavioral excesses: (Ex: talking, off task, attention seeking, touching others)

Behavioral deficits: (Ex: not responded, tardy, work not completed, refusing to cooperate, not following rules)

Motivation: (Ex: common ones are attention, power, anger, hostility, depressed, uncertain of task, feeling incapable, need for stimulation)

Teacher antecedents or responses: (Ex: monitor teacher behaviors that precede student misbehavior and also watch for any "payoffs" the teacher is supplying inadvertently)

Student antecedents: (Ex: what precedes the student outburst or lack or attention--look for another student saying something, length of time on task, difficulty with subject, ect.)

Student responses to corrections: (Ex: corrects self, gets angry, pouts, refusal, lethargy)