ESE625 Advanced Classroom Management Strategies
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Activity One

Activity One

Read and summarize - Part One

Directions: Browse through the first set of files, reading the different ideas about profiling students. Send a response that covers the following requirements.

    1. Read all the strategies, pp. 1-49
    2. Identify one you enjoyed and compare the ideas in the reading with actions you currently use with students. Example - Self awareness, p. 22
    3. Identify a set of strategies - for instance those in Communications and Trust, p. 21. Go through and identify which are preventive, supportive and corrective tools.
    4. Take one checklist that focuses on emotional status - for instance depression (pp. 12-13), and mentally review it based on the actions and behavior of a student you currently teach.
    5. Take a checklist that identifies content skills - for instance making meaning (pp.18-19) and try implementing some of the suggestions in your classroom.
    6. Write a review of the material, highlighting the most and least effective sections and how you might implement them in the classroom. Include beliefs about student responses to such techniques, barriers, supports you might need to implement the ideas. Also address how peers, administrators or parents might respond to these approaches to students.
Self Assessment
Part One
I read all the strategies Yes _______ No _________
Compare and contrast one reading Yes _______ No _________
Review preventive, supportive and corrective techniques Yes _______ No _________
Used a checklist targeted toward emotional status Yes _______ No _________
Used a checklist targeted toward content Yes _______ No _________
Wrote a review Yes _______ No _________


Please send the reviews and comments along with the checklist.

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