ESE 670
Getting Started Syllabus Class communicate library help


Module Seven

Reading Two: Community Building

The ABC’s of Group building is included in this module. You will want to print it out and read it. The material is set up so that there are a large number of topics covered, including communications, emotion management, self control, taking personal responsibility for actions and team building.

The workbook is set up with one page of information on the specific topic followed by a page of activities. Most of the lessons take an hour to introduce and complete. The topics can be used to work with an entire class to build team and community. They can also be utilized to support individual growth when a youngster needs to work on a specific skill and gain insights and personal management skills.

Go ahead and get started reading through the topics. You are welcome to print them out and use them in your classrooms and practices.


The instructor, Dr. J’Anne Affeld, wrote this after reading extensively in the cooperative learning and group dynamics literature. It has been field tested in several university classes and is effective with older youngsters. Many of the lessons can be adapted to younger students. The bibliography can also provide support in specific areas where more detail in desired.

Place ABC’s of Group Work links here.


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