Unit 9
  English 201: 
  Masterpieces of Western Literature
Unit 9 Reading Course Reading Entry Page
Introduction Background . Explication Questions Review


Short Answers: E-mail your answers.  Make sure the subject line says: unit09.
  1. The play opens with watchmen waiting for something.  What are they waiting for?
  2. I am sure you know the expression, "cat got your tongue?" meaning that you are silent or perhaps don't know what to say.  What was the ancient Greek equivalent expression?.
  3. KLY says:

  4. 275    No one takes me in with visions--senseless dreams.
    Identify the literal reference.  What visions or dream is she referring to?
  5. Identify the implied reference in the above quote (l.275).  What earlier incident is KLY thinking of when someone else was taken in by "senseless dreams"?
  6. Explain these lines:

  7. 964    I would have sworn to tread on legacies of robes,
             at one command from an oracle, deplete the house
             [of robes or tapestries or wealth]--
             suffer the worst to bring that dear life back!
    What is the implied literal contrast?  What is the implied figurative contrast?  Restate the point as directly & simply as possible.
  8. KLY invites Cassandra:

  9. 1032    come inside . . . .
               . . . to share
               some victory libations
    Explain the literal level.  What are libations?  How does the ritual work?  Explain the symbolism or figurative use here.  What is KLY saying?
 Go to the top & click on the last section: Review above.