Anthropology 599
Madness and Culture
College of Social and Behavioral Sciences, NAU
Thursdays, 9:35-12:05
Spring 2006

Instructor: James M. Wilce, Ph.D.
Phone number and email address: 523-2729;
Office hours: Monday 1-2, Thursday 12:30-2:30, and by appointment
Pre-requisites: ANT 102 or permission of instructor
Course description:
            Madness is a generic term that includes behaviors considered deviant. Deviance is always culturally defined, and varies markedly from society to society. Although much evidence points to the universality of conditions like schizophrenia, culture shapes how people experience, and respond to, even that serious disease. In that sense, culture shapes the illness. This course explores varied cultural descriptions and models of madness. It also explores madness as a key cultural symbol, representing various things, such as a profound threat to order. This dimension of the course will take us into literary and film treatments of madness. The course will require student participation in leading seminars, and students will write research papers analyzing case studies in madness and culture.
            What is madness and what does it sound like? We will come to no final answers, but still look for ways to better understand “psychotic interaction.” Questions will remain. To what extent is psychiatry a cultural expression involving rituals of its own? What does psychiatric diagnosis (categories and process) tell us about culture? We will examine the nature of sanity and insanity; various cultural representations of madness—in literature and film but also in psychiatry; the social and medical institutions set up to care for those considered mad; and the possibilities and nature of healing. We will try to understand the cultural, personal, and political underpinnings of mental illness and medical practices in societies throughout the world. Can we approach the phenomenology, the subjectivity entailed in madness? What is it like to “hear voices” or to be diagnosed as schizophrenic, or suffer from depression or “soul loss”? How do experiences of madness vary from society to society? How do different cultures construct “normality” and “abnormality”? How do medical diagnoses, psychiatric labels, and the taking of medications influence a person’s identity? What are the ritual, symbolic, experiential, and political dimensions of healing practices in the world today? We will develop comprehensive ways to think about these questions by reading a range of anthropological and ethnographic studies alongside perspectives from psychiatry, history, sociology, and literature. We will not take madness for granted but see it as a sign in various semiotic systems and thus we will ask why “madness” appears so often as a metaphor, and whether “madness” and “rationality” form our sense of “self” and “nonself.” These questions imply the centrality of madness in any culture insofar as cultural processes guide “experience” and specify its outer limits.
Class format: Seminar—student-facilitated discussions of readings and films. In and out of class we will also analyze discourse surrounding madness, starting with Hamlet and transcripts from recent trials involving an insanity defense.
Evaluation Method: I will evaluate your performance based on your participation in and leading of weekly discussions, your critical/integration papers, and your final research paper. Participation points will also reflect your engagement in another sort of in-class work, analyzing transcripts.
I generally find that students get the most out of course readings, films, and discussions when they write a series of critical-integration papers. So, you will be asked to write six weekly paper on the readings, from two to four pages in length, that consider certain themes, ideas, or arguments that arise out of that week’s readings. The essays will be collected at the beginning of class. These essays should be clearly written, grammatically correct, and free of spelling errors. Carefully follow the guidelines for writing these papers provided at the end of this syllabus.
Required Texts:
Desjarlais, Robert R. 1997      Shelter Blues: Homelessness and Sanity in a Boston Shelter. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press. (Referred to in the syllabus as Shelter)
Foucault, Michel 1973. Madness and Civilization: A History of Insanity in the Age of Reason. New York: Vintage. (Referred to in the syllabus as Civilization)
Jenkins, Janis Hunter, and Robert J. Barrett, eds. 2003. Schizophrenia, Culture, and Subjectivity: The Edge of Experience. New York: Cambridge University Press. (Referred to in the syllabus as Edge)
Luhrmann, Tanya. 2000. Of Two Minds: An Anthropologist Looks at American Psychiatry. New York: Vintage. (Referring to in the syllabus as Two Minds). You might want to order online or at Barnes & Noble since the bookstore’s copies won’t arrive before your assigned readings.
McDaniel, June 1989  The madness of the saints: Ecstatic religion in Bengal. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. (Referred to in the syllabus as Saints)
Ribeiro, Branca Telles 1994    Coherence in Psychotic Discourse. New York: Oxford University Press. (Referred to in the syllabus as Coherence) Order online—the bookstore has only the hard cover (expensive!)
Sass, Louis Arnorsson 1992   Madness and Modernism: Insanity in the Light of Modern Art, Literature, and Thought. New York, NY: Basic Books. (Referred to in the syllabus as Modernism). Order online
Required Readings online:
You will be required to read articles and chapters from Cline’s webreserves for this course.

Plus readings on regular and electronic reserve c/o Cline Library
Recommended Texts (some readings to be required; copies available at Cline)
Castillo, Richard J. 1997. Culture and Mental Illness. Pacific Grove: Brooks/Cole Publishing. (Illness in the syllabus). On reserve at Cline, too.
Nasar, Sylvia 2001. A Beautiful Mind. Touchstone Books.

Santiago-Irizarry, Vilma 2001. Medicalizing Ethnicity: The Construction of Latino Identity in a Psychiatric Setting. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press. (Medicalizing)
Showalter, Elaine 1985 The female malady: Women, madness, and English culture 1830-1980. New York: Pantheon. (Referred to in the syllabus as Malady)
Wilce, James M. 1998 Eloquence in Trouble: The Poetics and Politics of Complaint in Rural Bangladesh. New York: Oxford University Press. (ET). (Available for purchase at Anth Dept., and available on reserve at Cline).
The following resources are on traditional reserve at Cline:
Astbury, Jill 1996 Crazy for You: The Making of Women’s Madness. Melbourne and Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Caminero-Santangelo, Marta 1998      The Madwoman Can’t Speak, or, Why Insanity is Not Subversive. Ithaca: Cornell University Press.
Gilbert, Sandra M. , and Susan Gubar 2000   The Madwoman in the Attic: The Woman Writer and the Nineteenth-Century Literary Imagination. New Haven; London: Yale University Press.
Martínez-Hernáez, Angel 2000 What’s Behind the Symptom? On Psychiatric Observation and Anthropological Understanding. Amsterdam: Gordon & Breach (Harwood Academic Publishers). (on order)
O’Nell, Theresa. 1996 Disciplined Hearts: History, Identity, and Depression in an American Indian Community. Berkeley: UC Press.
Porter, Roy 2002. Madness: A Brief History. Oxford, New York: Oxford University Press. (on order)
Scheflen, Albert E. 1973 Communicational Structure: Analysis of a Psychotherapy Transaction. Bloomington: Indiana University Press.
_______________1981 Levels of Schizophrenia. New York: Brunner/Mazel.
Sechehaye, Marguerite, Grace Rubin-Rabson, and Renée. 1994. Autobiography of a Schizophrenic Girl: The True Story of “Renee”: Plume.
Warren, Carol A. B. 1987       Madwives: Schizophrenic women in the 1950s. New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press.
Film Resources:
A series of films will be available for viewing, analysis, and potential final paper topics. These will include The World of Abnormal Psychology. Program 9, The Schizophrenias (VT 2453), Shine (DVD 22 ), A Brilliant Madness (VT23), A Beautiful Mind, Dialogues with Madwomen (VT 5345), The Emperor’s New Clothes, Girl Interrupted, Devi (VT 8656 ), One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest ( VT 1880), Titicut Follies, Le Roi de Coeur (King of Hearts) ( VT 1679 ), Mujeres al Borde de un Ataque de “Nervos” (Women on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown [troubling translation]) ( VT 1503 ), Crazy in Alabama, and Latah, A Culture-Bound Syndrome from Indonesia. Films will be available at Cline’s Media Center.
Grading system
            Grades will be assigned for participation and writing on a 100 point total:

1) Participation

30 points


Grading Scale:

2) Critical integration papers

30 points


90+ =A

3) Final research project

40 points


80+ =B

   a) Presentation

10 points


70+ =C

   b) Paper

30 points




Week 1, Jan. 19 Introduction: Culture and Madness
In-class exercises— Ophelia, Moussaoui Transcript;
Questions: Where do we see culture in these?
Suggested reading: Mehta, Gita. 1993. A River Sutra. Pp. 99-148, “The Executive’s Story” [of love, possession, and madness]. New York: Doubleday.

Week 2, Jan. 26, Diverse Models of Madness: Possession, Trance, Religion, and Schizophrenia
Coker, Elizabeth M. 2004. The Construction of Religious and Cultural Meaning in Egyptian Psychiatric Patient Charts. Mental Health, Religion & Culture 7(4):323-347.
Edgerton, Robert. 1966. Conceptions of Psychosis in Four East African Societies. American Anthropologist 68:408-425.
Lam, Danny C. K., Paul M. Salkovskis, and Hilary M. C. Warwick
            2005    An Experimental Investigation of the Impact of Biological versus Psychological Explanations of the Cause of “Mental Illness.” Journal of Mental Health 14(5):453-464. (Just read the abstract)
Saints, Introduction, pp. 1-26; Ch. 3, Nursing the Baby-Husband: The Sa\kta Tradition, pp. 86-156.
Barrett, Robert J. 1988 Interpretations of Schizophrenia. Culture, Medicine, and Psychiatry 12:357-388.
Nasar, Sylvia 2001. A Beautiful Mind. Touchstone Books.
Padel, Ruth 1981 Madness in fifth-century (B.C.) Athenian tragedy. In Indigenous psychologies. Pp. 105-131. London: Academic Press.
Shaked, Michal. 2005. The Social Trajectory of Illness: Autism in the Ultraorthodox Community in Israel. Social Science & Medicine 61(10):2190-2200.

Week 3, Feb. 2, Diverse Models of Madness (ctd.); Psychiatry Meets Anthropology (First paper due—on Weeks 2-3 readings)
Two Minds. Introduction. Pp. 3-24; What’s Wrong with the Patient? Pp. 25-65; Madness and Moral Responsibility 266-293.
Medicalizing, 1-12 (Introduction); 88-115 (The “Mother Tongue” and the “Hispanic Character”).
Becker, Alton L. 1979. Text-building, Epistemology, and Aesthetics in Javanese Shadow Theatre. In The Imagination of Reality. A.L. Becker and A. Yengoyan, eds. Pp. 211-243. Norwood, NJ: ABLEX.
Goffman, Erving 1961. The Moral Career of the Mental Patient pp. 1-124.. and On the Characteristics of Total Institutions, pp. 125-170. In Asylums. New York: Anchor.
Kraepelin, Emil. 1921. Dementia Praecox. Ch. 5 of Lectures on Clinical Psychiatry. New York: The Macmillan Company, pp. 219-275.

Week 4, Feb. 9, Anthropological Perspectives on Madness & Psychiatry ctd.
Edge, pp. 1-10, 20-23. Introduction (Jenkins and Barrett); pp. 62-86. Interrogating the Meaning of “Culture” in the WHO International Studies of Schizophrenia (Hopper)
Modernism Ch. 7, pp. 213-241, Loss of Self.
Gaines, Atwood. 1992. From DSM-I to DSM-R; Voices of Self, Mastery and the Other: A Cultural Constructivist Reading of U.S. Psychiatric Classification. Social Science and Medicine 35:3-24.
Waxler, Nancy. 1974. Culture and Mental Illness: A Social Labeling Perspective. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease 159:379-395.
Wilce, James M. 2004a. Language and Madness. In Companion to Linguistic Anthropology. A. Duranti, ed. Pp. 414-430. Malden, MA.: Blackwell.
Jenkins, Janis H. 1998. Diagnostic Criteria for Schizophrenia and Related Psychotic Disorder: Integration and Suppression of Cultural Evidence in DSM-IV. Transcultural Psychiatry 35(3):352–376.
Pilgrim, David. 2005. Defining mental disorder: Tautology in the service of sanity in British mental health legislation. Journal of Mental Health 14(5):435-443.

Week 5, Feb. 16, Analyzing Discourse vis-à-vis “Mental Illness” (Second paper due—on reading for weeks 4-5)
Coherence, ch 1, Coherence in Psychotic Talk, 3-20
Coherence, ch 2, About the Psychiatric Interviews, 21-48
Coherence, ch 3, Analyzing Discourse: Frame and Topic Coherence, 49-76
Coherence, ch 8, Toward Listening, 237-244.
Madness, Ch. 6, Languages of Inwardness, pp. 174-212
Crapanzano, Vincent. 1998. “Lacking Now is Only the Leading Idea, that is—We, the Rays, Have No Thoughts”: Daniel Paul Schreber’s Memoirs of My Nervous Illness. Critical Inquiry 24:737-767.

Week 6, Feb. 23—No class (Van leaves for CLIC Conference in Los Angeles)

Week 7, Mar. 2, Discourse, Expression, Interaction, and Madness; Paragraphs due on your final paper topic
Shelter, pp. 1-58
Ochs, Elinor, Olga Solomon, and Laura Sterponi. 2005. Limitations and Transformations of Habitus in Child-Directed Communication. Discourse Studies 7(4-5):547-583.
Wilce, James. 2000. The Poetics of “Madness”: Shifting Codes and Styles in the Linguistic Construction of Identity in Matlab, Bangladesh. Cultural Anthropology 15(1):3-34.
Young, Alan. 1995. The Technology of Diagnosis. Ch. 5 (pp. 145-175) in The Harmony of Illusions: Inventing Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
ET, pp. 72-76, 224-232
Anderson, Neil. 1980. Singing Man. Tiburon, CA: H. J. Kramer. Pp 7-17, 213-4
Duranti, Alessandro 1997 Linguistic Anthropology. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Ch. 5 on transcribing talk and movement, Ch. 8, Conversational Exchanges [on Conversation Analysis], 244-280
Swartz, Sally, and Leslie Swartz 1987 Talk about Talk: Metacommentary and Context in the Analysis of Psychotic Discourse. Culture, Medicine, and Psychiatry 11(4):395-415.

Week 8, Mar. 9, Living with Madness: Phenomenology, Semiotics, and Narrative (Third paper due—on reading for weeks 6-8)
Edge, pp. 110-145. Living through a Staggering World: The Play of Signifiers in Early Psychosis in South India. (Cori, Thara, and Padmavati).
Shelter, pp. 159-222
Corin, Ellen. 1990. Facts and Meaning in Psychiatry. An Anthropological Approach to the Lifeworlds of Schizophrenics. Culture, Medicine and Psychiatry 14:153-188.


Jenkins, Janis Hunter. 1997. Subjective Experience of Persistent Schizophrenia and Depression Among US Latinos and Euro-Americans. British Journal of Psychiatry 171:20-25.
Robbins, Michael 2002 The Language of Schizophrenia and the World of Delusion. International Journal of Psychoanalysis 83(2):383-405.

Strauss, John S. 1994 The Person with Schizophrenia as a Person II: Approaches to the Subjective and Complex. British Journal of Psychiatry 164(Supplement 23):103-7.

Week 9, Mar. 16, Madness, Modernity, and Modernism in Culture, the Arts, Philosophy; Outline due of final paper with bibliography
Modernism, ch. 1, Introduction; ch. 2, The Truth-Taking Stare; ch. 10, World Catastrophe; ch. 11, Paradoxes of the Reflexive,—pp. 13-74, 300-353
Barrett, Robert J. 1998.  The ‘Schizophrenic’ and the Liminal Persona in Modern Society. Culture, Medicine and Psychiatry 22(4):464-503.
Modernism, Epilogue, Schizophrenia and Modern Culture, 354-373.
Edge, pp. 303-328. Negative Symptoms…in the Modern Age. (Sass)
Lucas, Rodney H. , and Robert J. Barrett. 1995. Interpreting Culture and Psychopathology: Primitivist Themes in Cross-Cultural Debate. Culture, Medicine and Psychiatry 19: 287-326.
Pandolfo, Stefania 2000 The Thin Line of Modernity: Some Moroccan Debates on Subjectivity. In Questions of Modernity. T. Mitchell, ed. Pp. 115-147. Contradictions of Modernity, Vol. 11. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota.

Spring Break, Mar. 20-25
Week 10, Mar. 30, Madness, Bodies, and Arrhythmias (4th paper due—on reading for weeks 9-10)
Edge, Pp. 196-218. To “Speak Beautifully” in Bangladesh: Subjectivity as Pa\gala\mi. (Wilce)
Farnell, Brenda M. 1994 Ethno-Graphics and the Moving Body. Man 29(4):929-974.
Gratier, Maya. 2003. Expressive Timing and Interactional Synchrony Between Mothers and Infants: Cultural Similarities, Cultural Differences, and the Immigration Experience. Cognitive Development 18:533-554.
Jenkins, Janis H. 1991            . The 1990 Stirling Award Essay: Anthropology, Expressed Emotion, and Schizophrenia. Ethos 19(4):387-431.
Condon, William S., and W. D. Ogston 1966 Sound film analysis of normal and pathological behavior patterns. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease 143:338-347.
__________1967. A segmentation of behavior. Journal of Psychiatric Research:221-235.

Week 11, April 6, Anti-Psychiatry and Feminist Critiques of Psychiatry
Edge, pp. 282-302. Subject/Subjectivities in Dispute: The Poetics, Politics, and Performance of First-Person Narratives of People with Schizophrenia (Estroff).
Malady, 145-164 (Feminism and Hysteria: The Daughters’ Disease)
Luis, Keridwen 1997  The Language of Madness: Words, Culture, and the Boundaries of Sanity in the Works of Diane DiMassa, Charlotte Perkins Gilman, and Sylvia Plath. Feminista 1(5). 45 pp of MS.
Martin, Emily 2001     Rationality, Feminism, and Mind. In Feminism in Twentieth-Century Science, Technology, and Medicine. A. Creager, E. Lunbeck, and L. Schiebinger, eds. Pp. 214-227. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Szasz, Thomas. 1991. The Insanity Plea and the Insanity Verdict. In Ideology and Insanity: Essays on the Psychiatric Dehumanization of Man. T. Szasz, ed. Pp. 98-112. Syracuse: Syracuse University Press.


Week 12, Apr. 13, Relativizing Psychiatry and Anthropology (5th paper due—on reading for weeks 11-12)
Read Civilization—The class as a whole will read the whole book; division of labor to be decided in the previous week. (320 mini-pages)
Scheper-Hughes, Nancy. 2000. Ire in Ireland. Ethnography 1(1):117-137?
Connor, Linda. 1982. Ships of Fools and Vessels of the Divine: Mental Hospitals and Madness, A Case Study. Social Science and Medicine 16:783-794.
Rhodes, Lorna. 1992. The Subject of Power in Medical/Psychiatric Anthropology. In Ethnopsychiatry, edited by A. Gaines, pp. 51-66. Albany: SUNY Press.
Yen, Jeffery, and Lindy Wilbraham. 2003. Discourses of Culture and Illness in South African Mental Health Care and Indigenous Healing, Part I: Western Psychiatric Power. Transcultural Psychiatry 40(4):542-561.

Week 13, Apr. 20, Culture, History, Madness (Focus on “The Insanity Defense: Evolving American Culture”); Case Study: Eric Clark (Flagstaff, Arizona)
Halliburton, Murphy. 2005. “Just Some Spirits”: The Erosion of Spirit Possession and the Rise of “Tension” in South India. Medical Anthropology 24(2):111-144.
Perlin, Michael L. 1997. “The Borderline Which Separated You From Me”: The Insanity Defense, the Authoritarian Spirit, the Fear of Faking, and the Culture of Punishment. Iowa Law Review 82:1375-1426.
Slobogin, Christopher. 2003. The Integrationist Alternative to the Insanity Defense: Reflections on the Exculpatory Scope of Mental Illness in the Wake of the Andrea Yates Trial. American Journal of Criminal Law 30(3): Just read 315-318.
Umphrey, Martha Merrill. 1999. The Dialogics of Legal Meaning: Spectacular Trials, the Unwritten Law, and Narratives of Criminal Responsibility. Law and Society Review 33(2):393-423.
Wilce, James M. 2004c. Madness, Fear, and Control in Bangladesh: Clashing Bodies of Power/Knowledge. Medical Anthropology Quarterly 18(3):357-375.
Edge, pp. 238-252. Symptoms of Colonialism: Content and Context of Delusion in Southwest Nigeria, 1945-1960 (Sadowsky).
Slobogin, Christopher. 2003. The Integrationist Alternative to the Insanity Defense: Reflections on the Exculpatory Scope of Mental Illness in the Wake of the Andrea Yates Trial. American Journal of Criminal Law 30(3):315-41. (Read the remainder)
Garland, David. 1990. Punishment and Culture (Chapter 9). In Punishment and Modern Society: A Study in Social Theory. D. Garland, ed. Pp. 193-211. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Cohen, Carl I.. 1993    Poverty and the Course of Schizophrenia: Implications for Research and Policy. Hospital and Community Psychiatry 44(10):951-8.
Drennan, Gerard , Ann Levett, and Leslie Swartz 1991 Hidden dimensions of power and resistance in the translation process: a South African study. Culture, Medicine, and Psychiatry 15(3):361-381.
Saris, A Jamie. 1996. Mad Kings, Proper Houses, and an Asylum in Rural Ireland. American Anthropologist 98(3):539-554.

Week 14, April 27, Depression and Culture; (6th paper due—on reading for weeks 13-14); Case Study: Abraham Lincoln
Kleinman, Arthur, and Joan Kleinman. 1985. Somatization: The Interconnections in Chinese Society among Culture, Depressive Experiences, and the Meanings of Pain. In Culture and Depression:  Studies in the Anthropology and Cross-Cultural Psychiatry of Affect and Disorder. Pp. 429-490. Berkeley: University of California Press.
Marsella, Anthony J. 2003. Cultural Aspects of Depressive Experience and Disorders (Unit 9, Chapter 4). In Online Readings in Psychology and Culture. W.J. Lonner, D.L. Dinnel, S.A. Hayes, and D.N. Sattler, eds. Bellingham, Washington: Center for Cross-Cultural Research, Western Washington University. (One page excerpt)
Obeyesekere, Gananath. 1985. Depression, Buddhism, and the Work of Culture in Sri Lanka. In Culture and Depression:  Studies in the Anthropology and Cross-Cultural Psychiatry of Affect and Disorder. A. Kleinman and B. Good, eds. Pp. 134-152. Berkeley: University of California Press.
O’Nell, Theresa. 1996. Introduction. In Disciplined Hearts:  History, Identity, and Depression in an American Indian Community. T. O’Nell, ed. Pp. 1-13. Berkeley: University of California Press.
Shenk, Joshua Wolf. 2005. Lincoln’s Great Depression. The Atlantic Monthly. 296(3) (October 2005): 52-68.
Silverstein, Michael. 2003. Death and Life at Gettysburg. In Talking Politics: The Substance of Style from Abe to “W”. M. Silverstein, ed. Pp. 33-62. Chicago: Prickly Paradigm Press (distributed by University of Chicago).
Skultans, Vieda. 2003. From Damaged Nerves to Masked Depression: Inevitability and Hope in Latvian Psychiatric Narratives. Social Science & Medicine 56(12):2421-2431.

Girl, Interrupted, Play DVD with Director’s Commentary turned on

Urban, Gregory. 2001. Metaculture: How Culture Moves through the World. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. Chapter 1, “The Once and Future Thing,” pp. 1-40.
DVD of Girl, Interrupted—HBO special on The Making of Girl, Interrupted

Week 15, May 4, Presentations of your research

Week 16,  May 11, Final papers due

Final paper

            Your final papers should entail original research. Paper topics must be worked out with me by the mid-point of the semester if not earlier. Original fieldwork is always exciting, but of course requires IRB approval. Analyzing tapes and transcripts already in the public domain means you could skirt that procedure. These would include transcripts of the trials of Zacarias Mousaoui and Ted Kaczynski (the Unabomber), together with media coverage. It is possible to find a paper topic in relation to the many films available for our use at Cline Media. As an example of such a paper, you might discuss links between the film Crazy in Alabama, other films, and the Poe short story, The Telltale Heart. Papers about links (e.g. a paper about metacultural phenomena surrounding madness tracing links between some cultural materials) should find links that are as concrete and clear as possible.
            Your biweekly papers and your final papers should be in AAA format. Note that the “bibliographic citations” in this syllabus are NOT (in order to save space). ). The final paper will require a bib. in AAA format, but you should not waste paper on a bib. for the biweekly response papers unless you cite sources not assigned in class. The Hopper reading (Week 5) is an example of AAA format, as is Wilce in Week 7. Here is AAA in-text citation format— (Einstein 1948: 223). Note, never punctuate between author and date, and never insert p. or pp. before pages cited. Similarly, never insert editor’s names in citations. Save all such info for your References Cited.
Leading discussions
1. Each class session will consist of a group discussion based on a collection of readings. You are required to attend each class having read the assigned readings and being ready to discuss them. Take separate notes on the readings and bring notes and readings with you to class.
2. You will be responsible for co-facilitating some of the class discussions. Each required reading will be assigned to at least one student who will be expected to lead the discussion on it. In preparing for the discussions you will facilitate, write a one-sentence précis of the argument, cutting out everything but what the author is trying to persuade us to see, believe, do, etc. Keep in mind that we are discussing several readings relating to a theme; so look for common or contrasting threads that run through each week’s readings, common questions that those readings address as a unit. Formulate 2-3 questions on “your” reading that help us see the contrasting approaches of the authors to a similar phenomenon. Never ask questions whose answers must be looked up on a particular page or for definitions of a term unique to one page of one source. Instead, let your questions point us to concepts popping up in more than one source (treated differently), concepts that will nearly always be central to or memorable in the arguments the authors make.

Remember, the quality of any seminar depends mostly on how well participants prepare prior to coming to class. This involves not only reading the assigned materials but also thinking critically about the issues that they raise. You are expected to attend—and be on time—every week; the seminar format requires it. If you anticipate being away, please notify me in advance for the sake of the smooth functioning of the seminar.

Writing Critical/Integration Papers

These 2-4 page critiques will be your way of integrating and responding to the readings. Since the aim of these papers is to help you integrate and think critically about the readings as a whole, never!!! write “one paragraph per reading” as an method of organizing the paper. Rather, integrate—form paragraphs according to topics you perceive cutting across the readings. Sometimes it will be appropriate in your papers to cumulatively draw on the various perspectives of authors you read over the course of the semester. You should prepare for this paper (and for the seminar) by writing a one-sentence précis of each author’s argument (so, e.g., four précis sentences for four authors) and then finding themes that crosscut. Your papers should touch on the main contribution of each reading to our understanding of the week’s (or semester’s) theme, not on supporting points (subarguments or data). Find differences between authors and take sides, arguing that one perspective is more logical and/or better supported (with evidence) than another. Again, organize each paragraph of every paper by a theme, not by an author. I am looking for evidence that you have gone beyond parroting to be able to compare and contrast perspectives. Write concisely. Do not quote at all. Obviously you need to accurately represent the gist of each author, and to do so you might need to cite a page # for a specific idea. In fact, whenever you get a particular idea from a particular author, try to nail down the page where that idea is best represented and cite it in anthropological citation style (author’s last name date: page) e.g. (Einstein 1941: 243).
Other readings
Burnham, John C. 1980 Psychotic Delusions as a Key to Historical Cultures: Tasmania, 1830-1940. Journal of Social History.
Caminero-Santangelo, Marta
            1998    The madwoman can’t speak, or, Why insanity is not subversive. Ithaca: Cornell University Press.
Deleuze, Gilles, and Felix Guattari 1977         Anti-Oedipus : capitalism and schizophrenia. Translated from the French by Robert Hurley, Helen R. Lane, and Mark Seem. New York: Viking Press.
Gilbert, Sandra M., and Susan Gubar
            2000    The madwoman in the attic: the woman writer and the nineteenth-century literary imagination. New Haven; London: Yale University Press.
 Leudar, Ivan 2001 Voices in history. Critical Social Studies 3(1):5-18.
Littlewood, R. 1984    The imitation of madness: the influence of psychopathology upon culture. Social Science & Medicine 19(7):705-15.
Romanucci-Ross, Lola 1983   On madness, deviance and culture. In The Anthropology of medicine. L. Romanucci-Ross, ed. Pp. 267-283. New York: Praeger.

Deacon, Harriet
            1996    Racial Segregation and Medical Discourse in Nineteenth-Century Cape Town. Journal of Southern African Studies 22(2):287–308.
Ernst, Waltraud 1995  ‘Under the Influence’ in British India: James Esdaile’s Mesmeric Hospital in Calcutta, and Its Critics. Psychological Medicine 25:1113-1123.
_____________1997  Idioms of madness and colonial boundaries: the case of the European and “native” mentally ill in early nineteenth-century British India. Comparative Studies in Society and History 39(1):153-181.
Fisher, Lawrence E. 1985 Colonial Madness: Mental Health in the Barbardian Social Order. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press.
Mills, James H.
            2000    Madness, cannabis and colonialism: The ‘native only’ lunatic asylums of British India, 1857-1900. New York: St. Martin’s Press.
O’Nell, Theresa. 1996. Introduction, Chs. 4-6, and Afterward, pps. 1-14 and 110-215 of Disciplined Hearts: History, Identity, and Depression in an American Indian Community. Berkeley: UC Press.
Sadowsky, Jonathan Hal. 1999 Imperial bedlam: institutions of madness in colonial southwest Nigeria. Berkeley: University of California Press.
Swartz, Leslie. 1991. The Politics of Black Patients’ Identity: Ward-Rounds on the ‘Black Side’ of a South African Psychiatric Hospital. Culture, Medicine and Psychiatry 15:217-244.
Vaughan, Megan 1993            Madness and colonialism, colonialism as madness: Re-reading Fanon— colonial discourse and the psychopathology of colonialism. Paideuma 39:45-55.
__________    1983    Idioms of madness: Zomba lunatic asylum, Nyasaland, in the Colonial Period. Journal of Southern African Studies 9:218-238.
Dissociation and Culture
Shelter, 117-120
ET: ch 11 and pp. 46, 108, 123
Culture-bound disorders: anorexia, latah, nervios
Geertz, Hildred. 1968. Latah in Java. Indonesia 5:93-104.
Simons, Ronald C. 1985. The Resolution of the Latah Paradox. In The Culture-Bound Syndromes. R. C. Simons and C. Hughes, eds. pp. 43-62. Dordrecht: D. Reidel.
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