The presentation should take no more than fifteen minutes not counting setup time. Students should save time by overlapping setups and strikes. The first presentation is set before class begins, last setup struck after class ends.
Presentation MediaChoice of media is flexible and can include combinations of narrative, live performance, recording, handouts, transparencies. You are responsible for acquiring and setting up your own resources such as recordings, sound equipment, performers, handouts, and so on.
Submitted Work FormatSubmit a well organized machine produced paper (typewriter or computer) supported by material like scores, transparencies, diagrams, and charts. The documentation and supporting material can be organized as a portfolio.
SubjectMany topics are possible . You can complete an original composition or an analysis of a composition based on techniques presented this semester. This is an excellent opportunity for a critical repertoire study of literature in your area of performance (solo, chamber, or large ensemble literature). If you analyze a composition, select one from a period styles studied this semester. See Composer's Tools to help stimulate your thoughts about composition.
Use examples and cases in the textbook as guides for analysis. An analysis should have specific objectives. For example, an analysis can be used to develop an interpretation of a composition and to plan rehearsals. It can also be used to closely examine and reveal interesting composing techniques. You may decide to experiment with composition techniques presented this semester. Whatever your purpose, strive for an application of the knowledge gained in this course this semester.
OrganizationYou will be graded on your ability to organize and express your thoughts and organize and coordinate the resources used in your presentation. Work from a well conceived thesis statement. The body of your presentation should support this thesis. End with a conclusion or summary that is consistent with the thesis and body of the presentation. Refer to MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers, Gibaldi and Achtert, The Modern Language Association of America, 1988. The first chapter of this manual is an excellent overview on organizing a research paper.
GuidelinesStrive for a coherent, well-balanced presentation. Do not assume that the music you present will speak for itself. Allow no more than half of your time for recordings or performance.
Presentation (45 pts): efficiency, smoothness [ ] quality of resources [ ] content [ ] Document (45 pts): technical writing quality [ ] organization [ ] quality of typing, etc. [ ] Composite effect (10 pts) [ ] TOTAL [ ]Return to the Harmony III Syllabus