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Help EDR610 : The Class : Research Design : Research Part 2 : Group Assignment4-2-1

 Cycle Through Using Qualitative Terminology

To complete this assignment successfully, you should:

  1. Study the assignment carefully
  2. Complete the assignment as directed

Using a research idea/situation of your own choosing, can you illustrate the four possibilities of qualitative design terminology shown in Table 1 of the lesson by 'cycling through' and varying the 'tale' the way I did for the Career Ladder attitudinal interviews example? I'll leave the 'scenario' to your group to produce!

Please don't forget - this will involve the following steps:

  1. (Of course!) Identifying an overall problem statement or research question! And as part of it ...

  2. Identifying and 'operationally defining' your case (so that it is clear what it constitutes);

  3. Identifying a target population/sample;

  4. Also identifying (for the "embedded" 2nd line of Table 1), some 'basis for stratification' of this target population/sample;

  5. Finally, making sure there is a qualitative component to your study. Doesn't have to be individual interviews: qualitative means, in the overall sense of the term,"collecting data in words." Just some add'l. examples of qualitative data collection procedures are:

    • individual interviews;

    • small-group (we'll learn these are called "focus group" in qualitative) interviews;

    • open-ended written responses to mail-out surveys;

    • observation logs, diaries, etc., where 'what's recorded' consists of words;

    • archival data, such as existing documents, policies, letters, memos, etc., from which you 'selectively cull' content that pertains to your particular study/problem statement.
And then please identify how, by changing 'part(s) of your tale,' you can make one example of each of the four (4) combinations of qualitative design methodology labels as illustrated in Table 1.

Once you have completed this assignment, you should:

Go on to Module 5: Population Sampling
Go back to Families of Research Design: Part II

Send Email to Walt Coker at Walter.Coker@nau.edu
Call Walt Coker at (623) 772-0305

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