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Help EDR610 : The Class : Families : Evaluation : Group Assignment2-4-1

 Brainstorm an Evaluation Research Problem Statement

To complete this assignment successfully, you should:

  1. Study the assignment carefully
  2. Complete the assignment as directed

In the "real world" of academic research, you will often work with a team of other researchers to develop a research question. In this assignment you will again come up with a research problem statement or question, but this time you will work with your group to 1) come up with a topic to work on, and 2) the specific research problem statement.

I will create a space for your group to post your evaluation research question in the Virtual Conference Center. When your group has completed its statement, please have a look at the problem statements created by the other groups.

Once you have completed this assignment, you should:

Go on to Assignment: The One-Minute Paper
Go back to Evaluation Research Family

Send Email to Walt Coker at Walter.Coker@nau.edu
Call Walt Coker at (623) 772-0305

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