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 Practice with the Research Process

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Please identify to which of the following parts of the research process each of the following scenarios most closely corresponds. Just as a reminder, they are as follows:

  • Statement of the Problem or Research Question (remember, we are using these terms synonymously!)

  • Population and Sampling Procedures

  • Instrumentation/Sources of Information

  • Data Collection Procedures

  • Data Analysis/Reporting Procedures

  • Findings

  • Conclusions

  • Recommendations

  • Implications

1. A researcher wishes to know if achievement level in high-school mathematics is related to motivation to excel.

2. In addition, she (researcher) is interested in studying whether this relationship between achievement level and motivation differs between high-school boys and girls.

3. The researcher selects an existing 100-item survey which has been used in similar settings to measure achievement motivation.

4. She (the researcher) also devises her own 50-item test of mathematics achivement.

5. The researcher wishes to generalize or project the findings to all high-school students enrolled in public schools in her district during the 1994-95 academic year.

6. From the above target projection group, she (researcher) randomly draws 50 boys and 50 girls to participate in her study.

7. Her plan is to train a cadre of assistants to administer the test on a given date to these 100 subjects (mentioned in # 6, above).

8. The researcher determines that there is a robust (significant) association between achievement in mathematics and motivation to excel in her 100 study subjects. However, she also determines that there is no significant difference between high-school boys and girls with regard to this 'strong' relationship.

9. As a result, she assumes that the relationship between achievement in mathematics and motivation to excel will hold true (within a given small statistical margin of error) for all of the high-school public school students in her district from which these 100 study subjects were drawn. She also assumes that boys and girls will not differ with regard to this relationship between achievement in mathematics and motivation to excel.

10. The researcher hopes that one of the general contributions of this study will be to begin to dispel the widely held belief that boys and girls differ in propensity to excel, as well as actual achievement, in mathematics at the high school level.

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