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 Identify these Sampling Procedures

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For each of the following cases, please identify the sampling procedure(s) that are being applied. These would include the following:

    Convience sample
    Judgment (purposive) sample
    Quota (proportional) sample
    Snowball sample
    Simple random sample
    Systematic sample
    Stratified sample (equal allocation)
    Stratified sample (probability proportional to size)
    Cluster sample
    Multistage sample

1. A school superintendent wishes to identify the attitudes of fourth-grade teachers in her district towards a new method (recently implemented) of teaching science. She will be administering a survey to selected teachers. To identify the survey recipients (sample subjects), she uses a three-phase procedure:

Step One: she first divides her district into rural vs. urban areas.

Step Two: she lists the schools in both the rural and urban areas and, using a table of random numbers, draws an equal number of rural and urban schools. (She felt justified in doing so since the ration of rural to urban populations is 55:45.)

Step Three: she distributes surveys to ALL of the fourth-grade teachers in the schools selected in Step Two.

2. Suppose, instead of the three-step process used in the first case, the superintendent pre-targeted ONLY those fourth-grade teachers who had at least a master's degree and five years' experience teaching fourth grade.

3. IN ADDITION to the facts in Scenario # 2, the district superintendent also non randomly tries to maintain the approximate male- to female-teacher balance that exists generally in her district (e.g., if 2 female teachers for every male teacher, she maintains this ratio as an additional selection criterion in her pre-targeted sample as stated in # 2).

4. Suppose instead that she tries to "keep it simple" by only surveying those fourth-grade teachers in the school that happens to be located closest to the district office.

5. 5. Instead of the above, the district superintendent starts with one fourth-grade teacher who is most accessible (e.g., expresses interest) and asks that teacher to circulate a flyer announcing the study in the teachers' lounge and recruit colleagues who would be willing to complete the survey.

6. Instead of the above, the district superintendent pre-groups the overall region into rural vs. urban, but then selects every fourth school within both the rural and urban areas.

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