Help EDR610 : The Class : Families : Evaluation : Assignment2-4-1

 One-Minute Paper

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  2. Enter your response(s) in the space(s) provided
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A "one-minute" paper is a way that I can find out what you learned and what still may be confusing to you. The idea is to answer quickly, "off the top of your head," rather than writing a lengthy review of what you learned.

You have just completed an overview of the kinds of research families seen in educational research, and I want to be sure that you have a clear introductory sense of these families. Write a one-minute paper stating the most important thing you learned in this module and any questions you may have that were left unanswered.

For grading purposes, please provide the following information:

Your Name:
Your Email address:

Once you have filled in all of the areas above, click the Send the assignment button below to send the assignment to the instructor.


E-mail M. Dereshiwsky at statcatmd@aol.com
Call M. Dereshiwsky at (520) 523-1892


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