Help EDR725 : The Class : Strategies : Strategies : Assignment2-1-2

Mini-Qualitative Study: What's Your Topic

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  2. Respond to each question in the space provided
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It's time to start thinking about the "mini-qualitative study" that you will carry out as part of this course. In the box below, I would like you to indicate what the topic of your investigation will be. Some suggestions along these lines:

  1. For those who have a general idea of what they will do for their dissertation research, this could be a small subset of your overall problem statement. For instance, you could identify a sub-problem that you would like to investigate using qualitative procedures, and then collect and analyze these data for course requirement. Thus, the output of this course becomes a part of this input of your own dissertation.

  2. Another idea that has appealed to "live and in person" qualitative students I've taught is this. How about using this course to qualitatively pilot your instrumentation for your eventual dissertation? This could be a quantitative Likert-scaled survey, for instance; or an eventual interview question protocol/guide. Probably the easiest, quickest and most convenient way to pilot test any such instrumentation - regardless of whether the instrumentation is qualitative or quantitative in nature - is to obtain input from a "group of expert (pilot) judges." These judges would review you instrument draft and make comments and suggestions as it its content, directions, clarity, order of questions, etc. etc. You would then compile and use their aggregate feedback to make revisions to your instrumentation. This would go into your eventual Chapter Three Pilot Test Procedures and Results under your Instrumentation subheading!
I hope the preceding gives you some ideas and possible alternative paths to choosing your eventual project for this course. Also please keep in mind, if you would like to work with a partner or group on a joint paper or project, that is A-OK. You will have an opportunity to see what you classmates are considering in the next group assignment and you may choose to partner with one or more of them. Just let me know who you're choosing to work with so that I'll have it in my records.

For grading purposes, please provide the following information:

Your Name:
Your Email address:

Once you have filled in the areas above, click the Send button below to send your response to the instructor.


E-mail M. Dereshiwsky at statcatmd@aol.com
Call M. Dereshiwsky at (520) 523-1892


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