Help EDR798 : The Class : Research Design : Group Assignment 3

Group Assignment 3

Please post the following in the VCC folder labeled with your name and Module #4 by Date : a brief narrative summary of your intended instrumentation, including topics to be covered and scaling/form/format of responses to this instrumentation. Alternatively, if you are planning to use archival data for your dissertation, please summarize your sources of information, including types of specific information to be gathered, form/format of records or databases, location of these data, etc.

Open the link below to refresh your memory on sources of information.

Sources of Information

Please go into your classmates' VCC folders and provide each of them with your peer review of their postings of their instrumentation or sources of information narrative by Date.

Here's another helpful link on writing the dissertation manuscript:

Writing Tips #3

Once you have finished you should:

Go back to Research Design and Procedures

E-mail M. Dereshiwsky at statcatmd@aol.com
Call M. Dereshiwsky at (520) 523-1892


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