Help EDR798 : The Class : Literature Search : Group Assignment 1

Group Assignment 1

Please post the following in the VCC folder labeledModule #3, Group Assignment #1, by the due date and time posted in our syllabus.

  1. Five (5) citations of prior research which relate to the major study variables or concepts of your problem statement. Please provide these citations in correct American Psychological Format (APA) format and style;

  2. For each of the above five sources of literature, please provide your narrative summary of this prior research. This should consist of several sentences identifying the problem statement/hypothesis of this study, its research design and procedures; and its findings, conclusions and any related recommendations;

  3. Finally, for each of these five sources of literature, please provide a brief (2-3 sentences; 1 paragraph maximum) rationale as to why/how you believe it relates to your own problem statement, and where in your eventual Chapter Two review of the literature this piece would best be placed (i.e., early on for broad background/context; later in the chapter as an empirical research study relating to your key variables, etc.)

For a review of the literature review, please open the link below to EDR 720.

Literature Review

Once you have finished you should:

Go back to Literature Research

E-mail M. Dereshiwsky at statcatmd@aol.com
Call M. Dereshiwsky at (520) 523-1892


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