Slides 1 English 305w

Purpose: Practice organizing a presentation on information you know well.

Choose 2 articles and 1 video (Jasso or One) that are good examples of the following:

  • Introduction
  • Specific Examples that Support Overall Purpose
  • Addresses Target Audience
  • Provides Convining Rhetorical Appeals (Ethos, Logos, Pathos)

You do not need to discuss all three assigned readings per bulleted item. Choose sections from the work to support your presentation, use direct quotes, an image, when deemed necessary.

8-10 slides
Attach Your Slides in VISTA ("Slides 1"—Respond to 2 Peers)

Slides 2 English 305w

Purpose: Practice organizing a large body of knowledge.

Take your research topic and organize a presentation for your 2nd year, disciplinary audience. This audience ought to have taken an introduction course in your discipline. They have an idea, and they have great interested in your topic. Argue your topic's importance and relevance in the field.


12-15 slides
Attach Your Slides in VISTA ("Slides 2"—Respond to 2 Peers)