Research/Interview—Paper 2


English 305w

Objective: Understanding "research" as a learning process and not as a number of citations to fulfill. You will make an appointment and interview a professor, a PhD candidate, or a professional in your major.

It is helpful if they know what the questions are ahead of time. Send an email with the questions attached 3-4 days _before_ your appointed time.

Keep the interview at 20 minutes maximum. Always remember to thank (handshake) your interviewee.

Please use the following questions as a guide for your interview. You are encouraged to design your questions for your individual, and to ask follow up questions as necessary.

  • What is the purpose for research in your discipline?
  • What are two research processes in your discipline? [via the interview(s)]
  • How do the end goals of learning for a project's sake vs. publishing a document affect the research process?
  • When does the research require primary sources vs. secondary sources?
  • When might research require the researcher as part of the data?
  • When is the library, the physical site, useful for your disciplinary research?
  • How does a researcher in your field work with a librarian? Do they prepare specific questions ahead of time? Do they make an appointment at the initial stages?
  • What would they like for students in their field to learn about research?

Write up your results for a first-year student in your major.

Include a final paragraph (or two) on your own reflection of the interview. What information was new? What did you wish you knew about research before arriving to your junior/senior year? What might your do differently as you continue to do research for various classes and future workplace tasks?


3-5 pages
Hard Copy
Cite Your Interviewee