Grading for English 313w
English 313w
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Grading Rubric for English 313w
Here's how your papers will be read and graded.
Full Points Clearly stated purpose early in the first paragraph (also known as a thesis statement). A discussion that supports the stated argument. Specific examples that are cited and relevant to the discussion thereby pushing the argument because of the credibility and data included (quotes or paraphrased information are folded into the writing). Images that expand the discussion's main point, and that clarify the details as well as providing further thought on the argument. Organization has an introduction, discussion, and conclusion.  
-5 Points Lengthy introduction with a general purpose statement. A discussion that addresses the stated argument but leaves unanswered questions. Examples that are cited and good for discussion but they do not push the argument Images that help the discussion's main point, and that help the details. Organization has an introduction, discussion, and conclusion.
-10 Points Purpose Statement is hidden. Conceptual but not stated directly. A discussion that addresses the concept, but leaves more questions than answers producing a paper that is more than 1 document. Examples are missing citations; examples are understood but not connected to the general argument. Images are not specifically connected to any one idea but to the general concept of the paper. Organization has an introduction, discussion, and conclusion.
-15 Points No Purpose Statement. A discussion that lacks specific nouns, very general, very elusive argument. Examples are lacking. Too few. Images are not attached to any part of the discussion.

Organization has an introduction, discussion, and conclusion.

-20 Points Written while asleep. A discussion that shows more caffeine than thought. Examples are embarrased to be associated with the paper. Images are of snowstorms. Organization Lobotomy.