Modules and Due Dates

This is the current syllabus as of December 2006. Subject to change.

Module 1—What is Good Writing?

Sunday, January 14th, 11 p.m.

3 Discussion Posts on Readings

Bitzer, Lloyd. "The Rhetorical Situation." Philosophy and Rhetoric, 1 (January, 1968), 1-14.

Gee, James. "Chapter 1: Ideology and Theory: The Moral Basis of Discourse Analysis." Social Linguistics and Literacies: Ideology in Discourses. Taylor and Francis, London: 1996. pp 1-21.

Street, Brian. "Chapter 4: The `Ideological' Model." Literacy in theory and practice. University Press, Cambridge: 1984.  pp. 95-125.

Porter, James E. and Patricia Sullivan. "Repetition and the Rhetoric of Visual Design." Visual Rhetoric in a Digital World. Carolyn Handa (ed.) Bedford/ St. Martin’s, Boston: 2004. pp 290-302.

Sunday, January 21st, 11 p.m.

2 Disucussion Posts on Readings

Drucker, Peter. "Functioning Communications." The Essential Drucker: The Best of Sixty Years of Peter Drucker’s Essential Writings on Management. Collins Business, NY: 2005. Pp 261-267.

*Alred, Brusaw, and Oliu. "Five Steps to Successful Writing." in The Business Writer's Handbook. pp xv-xxii.
*You own this book.

Andrews, Deborah. “Memos and Electronic Mail.” Technical Communication in the Global Community. (2nd edition). Prentice Hall, New Jersey: 2001. pp. 446-464.

Monday, January 22nd, noon

Paper: Good Writing? (drop-box)
Exercise A: The Visual Argument (Discussions Area)

Module 2—Purpose and Ethics

Sunday, January 28, 11 p.m.

3 Discussion Posts on Readings

Hutton, Stan and Frances Phillips. "Chapter 1: Tuning in to the World of Non-Profits". The Non-Profit Kit for Dummies. Wiley and Sons, NY: 2005. pp. 1-34.

Drucker, Peter F. "What the Non-Profits Can Teach Business." Classical Drucker. Harvard Business School, Boston: 2006. pp. 160-180.

Stewart, Martha. "Teach So You Can Learn." The Martha Rules: 10 Essentials for Achieving Success as You Start, Build, or Manage a Business. Rodale Books, NY: 2006. pp. 64-85.

*Alred, Brusaw, and Oliu. "Voice." in The Business Writer's Handbook. pp 562-565.
*You own this book.

Non-Profits Run Like Business (AZ Republic)

Sunday, February 04, 11 p.m.

3 Disucussion Posts on Readnigs

Andrews, Deborah. “Writing Ethically.” Technical Communication in the Global Community. (2nd edition). Prentice Hall, New Jersey: 2001. pp. 38-54.

Heiffron, Barbara. “Ethics and Medical Writing.” Writing in the Health Professions. Pearson/Longman, New York: 2005. pp. 32-39.

*Alred, Brusaw, and Oliu. "Five Steps to Successful Writing." in The Business Writer's Handbook. pp xv-xxii.
*You own this book.

The Center for Coporate Ethics (Website)

Monday, February 05, noon

Quiz 1
Exercise B, Proposal and Gantt (drop-box)

Module 3—Approach and Presentation (managment and genres, interview)

Sunday, February 11, 11 p.m.

3 Discussion Posts on Readings

Chouinard, Ivon. "Introduction." Let My People Go Surfing: The Education of a Reluctant Businessman. Penguin Press, London: 2005. pp 3-4.

Chouinard, Ivon. “Management Philosophy.” Let My People Go Surfing: The Education of a Reluctant Businessman. Penguin Press, London: 2005. pp 177-186.

Covey, Stephen M.R. with Rebeca Merrill. "Chapter 11: Listen." The Speed of Trust. Free Press, NY: 2006. Pp. 208-214.

Drucker, Peter. "Post-Capatilist Executive." Classical Drucker. Harvard Business School, Boston: 2006. pp. 197-210.

Michelli, Joseph A. The Starbuck’s Experience: Five Principles for Turning Ordinary into Extraordinary. McGraw-Hill, NY: 2007. pp. 115-135.

Hawken, Paul. Website. | The David Brower Center | Green Belt Movement

Sunday, February 18, 11 p.m.

3 Disucussion Posts on Readings

Swayles, John. (ed.) "Chapter 3: Genres" Genre Analysis: English in Academic and Research Settings. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge: 2005 (11th printing). pp 42-67.

Kress, Gunther. "Multimodality, Multimedia, and Genre." Visual Rhetoric in a Digital World. Carolyn Handa (ed.) Bedford/ St. Martin’s, Boston: 2004. pp 38-54.

Cunningham, H. and Elizabeth O. Smith, Thomas E. Pearsall. “Chapter 3: Persuasion and Scientific Argument.” How to Write for the World of Work. Thomson Wadsworth, Boston: 2005. pp 60-71.

*Alred, Brusaw, and Oliu. "Five Steps to Successful Writing." in The Business Writer's Handbook. pp xv-xxii.
*You own this book.

Filmsites Genres | Writing Genres (Resources) |

Monday, February 19, noon

Paper 2: The Interview [Paper and Slide Presentation] (drop-box)
Slide Presentation [Keynote or Powerpoint] (Discussions Area)

Module 4—Digital Mediums (technology and revising)

Sunday, February 25, 11 p.m.

3 Discussion Posts on Readings

Cunningham, H. and Elizabeth O. Smith, Thomas E. Pearsall. "Chapter 2: Computers and Workplace Communication." How to Write for the World of Work. Thomson Wadsworth, Boston: 2005.

Kadet, Anne. "Romancing the Bloggers." Smart Money. October 27, 2006.

Yunus, Muhammad. “Chapter 14: The Future.” Banker to the Poor. Perseus Books Groups, NY: 2003. pp 247-262.

Free The Children (Website) | Oprah's Angel Network |

Sunday, March 04, 11 p.m.

3 Disucussion Posts on Readings

Heiffron, Barbara. “Appendix A: Common Greek and Latin Roots, Prefixes, and Suffixes.” Writing in the Health Professions. Pearson/Longman, New York: 2005. pp 289-296.

*Alred, Brusaw, and Oliu. "Five Steps to Successful Writing." in The Business Writer's Handbook. pp xv-xxii.
*You own this book.


Monday, March 05, noon

Progress Report (drop-box)
Quiz 2

Module 5—Reflections (pause, think about it, and turn it all in)

Saturday, March 10, noon (week 9)

Final paper draft to your partner. Return papers with comments/suggestions by Wednesday, March 14.

Sunday, March 11, 11 p.m. (week 10)

3 Discussion Posts on Readings

Druker, Peter. "Educated Person." The Essential Drucker: The Best of Sixty Years of Peter Drucker’s Essential Writings on Management. Collins Business, NY: 2005. Pp. 287-298.

Covey, Stephen M.R. with Rebeca Merrill. "Chapter 13: Extend Trust." The Speed of Trust. Free Press, NY: 2006. Pp 222-229.

Lanham, Richard. "Figures of Rhetoric." Visual Rhetoric in a Digital World. Carolyn Handa (ed.) Bedford/ St. Martin’s, Boston: 2004. pp 369-371.

*Alred, Brusaw, and Oliu. "Salary Negotiations." in The Business Writer's Handbook. pp 498-500.
*You own this book.

Monday, March 12th, noon (week 10)

Post projects and presentations of your projects

Sunday, March 18, 2 p.m. (week 10) [note the time]

Respond to 6 Peers' Projects and Presentations (Discussion posts)

Monday, March 19, 8 p.m. (week 11) [note the time]

Submit all final papers, projects, and presentations. Of course, you may submit your materials before this day.

The term will go by quickly. Please plan for the deadlines. No late work. No Incompletes.