Syllabus The Class Communication Resources Tony Parker
The Class Pivotal Cases
Questions relevant to Chapters 11-16 in Lewis

  1. Identify Herbert Wechsler and Marvin Frankel.

  2. What is a writ of certiorari, and what role did the writ play in the case of New York Times v. Sullivan?

  3. Who was M. Roland Nachman, Jr., and what was his role in the case of New York Times v. Sullivan?

  4. What is a brief, and what were the principal arguments of the New York Times as presented in the principal brief for the defendants?

  5. What alternatives to an absolute freedom to criticize pubic officials did the principal brief offer?

  6. What was the main argument offered in the brief for the four ministers?

  7. How is oral argument conducted before the Supreme Court?

  8. Who wrote the majority opinion in the case of New York Times v. Sullivan, how many Justices signed the opinion, and who won the case?

  9. What was the foundational statement of result as expressed in the majority opinion?

  10. How did the majority opinion respond to the historic assumption that libel was outside the protection of the First Amendment?

  11. How did the majority opinion deal with the issue of the false factual statements in the editorial advertisement?

  12. How did the majority opinion deal with the Sedition Act of 1798?

  13. After New York Times v. Sullivan, what must a public official prove in order to recover damages for a defamatory falsehood relating to her/his official conduct, and what standard of evidence is required?

  14. What common conclusion was shared by all Justices who wrote concurring opinions in the case of New York Times v. Sullivan?

  15. What is the doctrine of stare decisis, and why does the Supreme Court occasionally depart from the doctrine in cases involving constitutional law?

  16. The majority in New York Times v. Sullivan held that statements of fact as well as statements of opinion are protected by the First Amendment. What effects did this holding have upon subsequent press practices.

  17. What did the plaintiffs do in response to the Court's decision in New York Times v. Sullivan?

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Syllabus The Class Communication Resources Tony Parker

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